Required current contributed CRAN packages:

I am running R 3.6.1, with recent update.packages().

needed <- c("spatstat", "", "maptools", "rgdal", "ranger", "rgeos", "sp", "geoR")


Script and data at Download to suitable location, unzip and use as basis.


  • 2/12 (I) Spatial data representation, (II) Support+topology, input/output

  • 3/12 (III) Coordinate reference systems, (IV) Visualization

  • 4/12 (VI) Spatial autocorrelation, project surgery

  • 5/12 (VII) Spatial regression, (VIII) Spatial multilevel regression

  • 6/12 (IX) Interpolation, point processes, project surgery

  • 7/12 Presentations

Session IX

  • 09:15-09:45

  • 09:45-10:30

  • 10:30-11:00



What is interpolation, and what does it require with regard to data, observation and prediction locations?

The support of the observation and prediction locations - what is it, and how does it affect interpolation?

Standard models for interpolation: deterministic and geostatistical prediction for continuous variables

Extensions to the standard model for non-standard data and non-planar locations

Interpolation and geostatistics

Geostatistics is a bit like the alchemy of spatial statistics, focussed more on prediction than model fitting

Since the reason for modelling is chiefly prediction in pre-model-based geostatistics, and to a good extent in model-based geostatistics, we’ll also keep to interpolation here

Interpolation is trying to make as good guesses as possible of the values of the variable of interest for places where there are no observations (can be in 1, 2, 3, \(\ldots\) dimensions)

These are based on the relative positions of places with observations and places for which predictions are required, and the observed values at observations

Interpolation for point data involves estimates of a variable (or variables) from known observations at known positions to unknown positions

If the observation and prediction positions have point support, then we dealing with interpolation for point data

The underlying assumptions for all interpolation include distributional assumptions about the data, assumptions about the quality of the data and covariates, and assumptions about the quality of positional support and measurement

The standard model assumes planar geometry, error-free coordinates and covariates, and data that are observed as directly as possible from the same realization of the data generation process

Modelling error processes

Since predictions are only of use if we know how far we can rely on them, all interpolation should try to accommodate uncertainty about measurements

If we are binning to try to obtain observations’’, we are going much further than experimental scientists do in designing model matrices, we have much less control over the values of the predictors

Model-based geostatistics are among the techniques that can be used, but we can start from block kriging to get a feel for COSP

Very likely, Hierarchical or other Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) models will be required to specify the errors to propagate

Deterministic interpolation

We could say that we know very little about any spatial process in the DGP, and take the value at each prediction point as the value at the nearest observation, disregarding covariates

We could extend this by taking some measure of the values observed at nearby observations, for example a median or average

Inverse distance weighting with a power parameter interpolates by taking the distance-weighted mean of all, or a local region of, observations

Trend surfaces fit a surface through the observations using a polynomial in the point coordinates of the observations; splines also fit a surface based on local fits

Statistical interpolation

While splines may have a statistical interpretation, they are often used deterministically, but as with IDW and trend surface, the fitted model may be chosen by cross-validation (eg. Geostatistical Analyst in ArcGIS)

It is also perfectly possible to fit an aspatial statistical model with covariates (linear, GLM, GAM, CART, etc.), and predict to locations for which observations on the covariates are available

Many of these can be extended to their mixed-model version, as LME, GLMM, GAMM, etc., using a spatial process model for random effects, or for example a spline surface in the observation coordinates (GAM)

The spatial process models are mostly geostatistical, so we’ll focus on these

Spatial processes

Assuming that we have a response variable and perhaps explanatory variables observed on the same support and yielding a mean-stationary error process, our interest is in finding out whether there is still useful information in the error

The information may take the form of spatial covariance, the error autocorrelation between observation

This also involves the introduction of the concept of the random field, a stochastic process in more than one dimension, as a representation of space, where these can be continuous or discrete

The continuous form is:

\[ Z(\mathbf{s}) = \mu(\mathbf{s}) + W(\mathbf{s}) + \eta(\mathbf{s}) + \epsilon(\mathbf{s}), \] where \(Z(\mathbf{s})\) is a random field, \(\mathbf{s} = [s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_d]'\) are the coordinates of a spatial process indexed over \(D \subset \mathcal{R}^d\), the mean function \(\mu(\mathbf{s})\) is the large-scale trend, \(W(\mathbf{s})\) is the smooth-scale variation and is a stationary process with a covariance function, \(\eta(\mathbf{s})\) is the often unobservable micro-scale variation, and \(\epsilon(\mathbf{s})\) is white noise measurement error

Fitting the covariance function

In geostatistics, two steps are involved in prediction from point data, first modelling the smooth-scale variation, then making the prediction from the mean function and this fitted model

The first step in practice involves fitting a variogram model to the observed differences in the residuals of the model after fitting the mean function between pairs of observation points

The fitting of a model to the empirical variogram may be done by hand and by a number of statistical techniques (which depend on assumptions)

Choosing a different variogram model may lead to differences in predictions; it may not be possible to choose a satisfactory model

ESDA - geostatistics

It is probable that more exploratory spatial data analysis is done in geostatistics than in the remaining domains of spatial data analysis

It is easy to grasp why interpolation is crucially dependent on identifying the right model, in terms of the selection of observation locations, the fitting of models of spatial autocorrelation, detecting useful covariates, and checking the appropriateness of assumptions such as isotropy

Here we will use a data set of precipitation values for Switzerland, discussed in Diggle and Ribeiro (2007), and used in the Spatial Interpolation Comparison 97’’ contest

The examples demonstrate that geostatistics software, here packages, provides much support for exploratory spatial data analysis

Swiss precipitation ESDA

Both geoR and gstat include data for preciptation for 467 met. stations in Switzerland, for 8 May 1986, measured in 0.1 mm. We’ll fit with 100 training sites, and predict to the remaining 367 sites. geoR gives a the four-panel ESDA display that conveys a lot of information for the 100 training sites.

## --------------------------------------------------------------
##  Analysis of Geostatistical Data
##  For an Introduction to geoR go to
##  geoR version 1.7-5.2.1 (built on 2016-05-02) is now loaded
## --------------------------------------------------------------
plot(sic.100, borders=sic.borders, lowess=TRUE)

Variogram diagnostics

The first diagnostic plot provided in gstat is known as an \(h\)-scatterplot, and conditions a scatterplot of the values at pairs of locations on the binned distance \(h_{ij}\) between them; the diagonal lines represent perfect correlation

## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'xts':
##   method     from
##   as.zoo.xts zoo
sic.100SP <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(SpatialPoints(sic.100$coords),
 data=data.frame(precip=sic.100$data, altitude=sic.100$altitude))
sic.allSP <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(SpatialPoints(sic.all$coords),
 data=data.frame(precip=sic.all$data, altitude=sic.all$altitude))
names(sic.allSP) <- c("precip", "altitude")
hscat(precip ~ altitude, data=sic.100SP, seq(0,120,20))

We now compute a variogram cloud plot and a plot of empirical variogram values for 20 5km wide bins, for classical and robust versions of the variogram. The bin borders are shown to highlight how the empirical variogram is constructed as a measure of central tendency of squared differences in the variable of interest between pairs of points whose inter-point distance falls into the bin

g <- gstat(id="precip", formula=precip ~ altitude, data=sic.100SP)
evgm <- variogram(g, cutoff=100, width=5)
revgm <- variogram(g, cutoff=100, width=5, cressie=TRUE)
cevgm <- variogram(g, cutoff=100, width=5, cloud=TRUE)
oopar <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
plot(gamma ~ dist, cevgm, pch=".", cex=2, col="grey65", ylab="semivariance", xlab="distance")
lines(gamma ~ dist, evgm, lwd=2)
lines(gamma ~ dist, revgm, lwd=2, lty=2)
abline(v=seq(0,100,5), lty=2, col="grey50")
plot(gamma ~ dist, evgm, ylab="semivariance", xlab="distance", type="b", lwd=2)
points(gamma ~ dist, revgm, pch=3)
lines(gamma ~ dist, revgm, lty=2, lwd=2)
abline(v=seq(0,100,5), lty=2, col="grey50")
legend("topleft", legend=c("classic", "robust"), pch=c(1,3), lty=c(1,2), bty="n", lwd=2)


We can close in on these within-bin distributions by using boxplots constructed from the gstat variogram cloud — box widths proportional to pair counts in bins, classical empirical variogram shown as dashed line; the fields package returns number summaries by bin in addition to the classical variogram estimator in output from the vgram function

dbin <- findInterval(cevgm$dist, seq(0, 100, 5), all.inside=TRUE)
wid <- tapply(cevgm$gamma, dbin, length)
boxplot(cevgm$gamma ~ dbin, width=wid, ylab="semivariance", xlab="distance", axes=FALSE)
axis(1, at=c(0.5, 5.5, 10.5, 15.5, 20.5), labels=c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100)) 
lines(gamma ~ I(dist/5), evgm, lwd=2, lty=2)

Finally, we explore possible anisotropy in the data set. Using the same bins as earlier, we add arguments to the variogram function to create objects for plotting, a variogram map, and four empirical variograms for four axes at \(0\,^{\circ}\), \(45\,^{\circ}\), \(90\,^{\circ}\) and \(135\,^{\circ}\); the variogram direction lines are coded in the same way on both panels

mevgm <- variogram(g, cutoff=100, width=5, map=TRUE)
aevgm <- variogram(g, cutoff=100, width=5, alpha=c(0, 45, 90, 135))
oopar <- par(mar=c(1,1,1,1))
image(mevgm$map, col=colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(7, "Blues")[-(6:7)])(20))
abline(v=0, lty=1)
abline(a=0, b=1, lty=2)
abline(h=0, lty=3)
abline(a=0, b=-1, lty=4)

plot(aevgm, multipanel=FALSE)

Variogram fitting in geoR

First we will fit a Matern variogram model in geoR using weighted least squares and maximum likelihood:

evg <- variog(sic.100, max.dist=200, trend=formula(~altitude), messages=FALSE)
fvg <- variofit(evg, messages=FALSE)
ml <- likfit(sic.100,, 0.5), trend=formula(~altitude), messages=FALSE)
lines(ml, lty=2)
legend("topleft", legend=c("WLS", "ML"), lty=1:2, bty="n")

Variogram fitting in gstat

Next we will fit a Matern variogram model in gstat:

evgm <- variogram(g, cutoff=200, width=5)
fevgm <- fit.variogram(evgm, vgm(psill=16000, model="Mat", range=30, nugget=1, kappa=0.5))
##   model   psill    range kappa
## 1   Nug     0.0  0.00000   0.0
## 2   Mat 16869.7 46.96405   0.5
plot(evgm, model=fevgm)

Kriging — prediction from the variogram model

The geostatistical packages, like gstat, use formula objects in standard ways where possible, which allows for considerable flexibility:

UK_fit <- gstat(g, id="precip", model=fevgm)
z <- predict(UK_fit, newdata=sic.allSP, debug.level=0)
sic.367SP <- sic.allSP[which(z$precip.var > 0.0001),]
z <- predict(UK_fit, newdata=sic.367SP, debug.level=0)

Using geoR, we get:

kcwls <- krige.conv(sic.100, locations=coordinates(sic.367SP),
  krige=krige.control(obj.model=fvg, type.krige="OK",
  trend.d=formula(~altitude), trend.l=formula(~sic.367SP$altitude)))
## krige.conv: model with mean defined by covariates provided by the user
## krige.conv: Kriging performed using global neighbourhood
kcml <- krige.conv(sic.100, locations=coordinates(sic.367SP),
 krige=krige.control(obj.model=ml, type.krige="OK",
 trend.d=formula(~altitude), trend.l=formula(~sic.367SP$altitude)))
## krige.conv: model with mean defined by covariates provided by the user
## krige.conv: Kriging performed using global neighbourhood
kcB <- krige.bayes(sic.100, locations=coordinates(sic.367SP),
## krige.bayes: model with mean defined by covariates provided by the user
## krige.bayes: computing the discrete posterior of phi/tausq.rel
## krige.bayes: argument `phi.discrete` not provided, using default values
## krige.bayes: computing the posterior probabilities.
##              Number of parameter sets:  50 
## 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 
## krige.bayes: sampling from posterior distribution
## krige.bayes: sample from the (joint) posterior of phi and tausq.rel
##               [,1]     [,2]     [,3]     [,4]    [,5]     [,6]     [,7]
## phi       23.44137 35.16205 46.88273 58.60342 70.3241 82.04478 93.76547
## tausq.rel  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.0000  0.00000  0.00000
## frequency  5.00000 54.00000 65.00000 62.00000 69.0000 40.00000 45.00000
##               [,8]     [,9]    [,10]    [,11]    [,12]    [,13]    [,14]
## phi       105.4862 117.2068 128.9275 140.6482 152.3689 164.0896 175.8103
## tausq.rel   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
## frequency  32.0000  34.0000  28.0000  27.0000  23.0000  30.0000  19.0000
##              [,15]    [,16]    [,17]   [,18]    [,19]    [,20]   [,21]    [,22]
## phi       187.5309 199.2516 210.9723 222.693 234.4137 246.1344 257.855 269.5757
## tausq.rel   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.000   0.0000   0.0000   0.000   0.0000
## frequency  14.0000  21.0000  17.0000  15.000  19.0000  15.0000  14.000   9.0000
##              [,23]    [,24]    [,25]    [,26]    [,27]    [,28]    [,29]
## phi       281.2964 293.0171 304.7378 316.4585 328.1791 339.8998 351.6205
## tausq.rel   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
## frequency  13.0000   3.0000  16.0000  18.0000  18.0000  13.0000  12.0000
##              [,30]    [,31]    [,32]    [,33]    [,34]    [,35]    [,36]
## phi       363.3412 375.0619 386.7826 398.5032 410.2239 421.9446 433.6653
## tausq.rel   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
## frequency  17.0000   6.0000  16.0000  14.0000   9.0000   6.0000  13.0000
##             [,37]    [,38]    [,39]   [,40]    [,41]    [,42]    [,43]    [,44]
## phi       445.386 457.1067 468.8273 480.548 492.2687 503.9894 515.7101 527.4308
## tausq.rel   0.000   0.0000   0.0000   0.000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
## frequency  14.000  12.0000  16.0000  14.000  17.0000  13.0000  12.0000  12.0000
##              [,45]    [,46]    [,47]    [,48]    [,49]
## phi       539.1514 550.8721 562.5928 574.3135 586.0342
## tausq.rel   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
## frequency  12.0000   7.0000  14.0000  17.0000   9.0000
## krige.bayes: starting prediction at the provided locations
## krige.bayes: phi/tausq.rel samples for the predictive are same as for the posterior 
## krige.bayes: computing moments of the predictive distribution
## krige.bayes: sampling from the predictive
##              Number of parameter sets:  49 
## 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 
## krige.bayes: preparing summaries of the predictive distribution

MCMC draws for one prediction location

The point about the standard assumptions is that when they are met, the prediction standard errors are tractable — we plot the MCMC prediction simulations for location 1:

abline(v=kcB$predictive$mean[1], col="red", lwd=2)
curve(dnorm(x, mean=kcB$predictive$mean[1],
 sd=sqrt(kcB$predictive$variance[1])), lty=2, lwd=2, from=-100, to=500, add=TRUE)
abline(v=sic.367SP$precip[1], col="blue", lwd=2)

Kriging — variogram automatic selection

The automap package builds on gstat to automate the choice of variogram model:

aK <- autoKrige(formula=precip ~ altitude, input_data=sic.100SP, new_data=sic.367SP)
## [using universal kriging]
##   model      psill    range kappa
## 1   Nug   861.4484  0.00000     0
## 2   Ste 14011.7859 35.92031     5

ML-based interpolation?

point to possible uses of ML technologies for interpolation, and give code examples on the . Further examples for are provided in an ebook. First distance matrices are constructed and converted to data frames:

#grid.dist0 <- GSIF::buffer.dist(sic.100SP["precip"], sic.367SP[1], as.factor(1:nrow(sic.100SP)))
## rgeos version: 0.5-2, (SVN revision 621)
##  GEOS runtime version: 3.8.0-CAPI-1.13.1 
##  Linking to sp version: 1.3-3 
##  Polygon checking: TRUE
dist0 <-["precip"], sic.100SP["precip"], byid=TRUE))
names(dist0) <- paste("layer", names(dist0), sep=".")
dist1 <-["precip"], sic.367SP["precip"], byid=TRUE))
names(dist1) <- paste("layer", names(dist1), sep=".")

Then the observed responses and any covariates are added to the per-observation distances, and a formula constructed:

rm.precip <- cbind([c("precip", "altitude")], dist0)
rm.precip1 <- cbind([c("altitude")], dist1)
dn0 <- paste(names(dist0), collapse="+")
fm0 <- as.formula(paste("precip ~ altitude +", dn0))

The ranger function from the ranger package can be used for fast random forest fitting:

m.precip <- ranger(fm0, rm.precip, quantreg=TRUE, num.trees=150, seed=1)
## Ranger result
## Call:
##  ranger(fm0, rm.precip, quantreg = TRUE, num.trees = 150, seed = 1) 
## Type:                             Regression 
## Number of trees:                  150 
## Sample size:                      100 
## Number of independent variables:  101 
## Mtry:                             10 
## Target node size:                 5 
## Variable importance mode:         none 
## Splitrule:                        variance 
## OOB prediction error (MSE):       6150.302 
## R squared (OOB):                  0.5482526

And make predictions from the fitted model for the 367 weather stations held back:

quantiles <- c(pnorm(1, lower.tail=FALSE), 0.5, pnorm(1))
precip.rfd <-, rm.precip1, type="quantiles",
res <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(as(sic.367SP, "SpatialPoints"),
                  data=cbind(sic.367SP[["precip"]], precip.rfd,
res$rf_sd <- (res[[4]] - res[[2]])/2
names(res) <- make.names(names(res))
spplot(res, zcol=c(1,5,3))

spplot(res, zcol=c(7,8))

Then the observed responses and any covariates are added to the per-observation distances, and a formula constructed:

xy100 <- coordinates(sic.100SP)
xy367 <- coordinates(sic.367SP)
rm.precip <- cbind([c("precip", "altitude")], x=xy100[,1], y=xy100[,2], dist0)
rm.precip1 <- cbind([c("altitude")], x=xy367[,1], y=xy367[,2], dist1)
dn0 <- paste(names(dist0), collapse="+")
fm0 <- as.formula(paste("precip ~ altitude + x + y +", dn0))
m.precip <- ranger(fm0, rm.precip, quantreg=TRUE, num.trees=150, seed=1)
## Ranger result
## Call:
##  ranger(fm0, rm.precip, quantreg = TRUE, num.trees = 150, seed = 1) 
## Type:                             Regression 
## Number of trees:                  150 
## Sample size:                      100 
## Number of independent variables:  103 
## Mtry:                             10 
## Target node size:                 5 
## Variable importance mode:         none 
## Splitrule:                        variance 
## OOB prediction error (MSE):       5847.392 
## R squared (OOB):                  0.5705017

And make predictions from the fitted model for the 367 weather stations held back:

quantiles <- c(pnorm(1, lower.tail=FALSE), 0.5, pnorm(1))
precip.rfd <-, rm.precip1, type="quantiles",
res <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(as(sic.367SP, "SpatialPoints"),
                  data=cbind(sic.367SP[["precip"]], precip.rfd,
res$rf_sd <- (res[[4]] - res[[2]])/2
names(res) <- make.names(names(res))
spplot(res, zcol=c(1,5,3))

spplot(res, zcol=c(7,8))

Point patterns


What we see on a map is a pattern, or perhaps some patterns mixed together.

It is not easy to work back from map pattern to the process or processes that generated it/them.

Using a variety of approaches, we can explore and analyse point patterns, also reviewing an important chapter in the development of quantitative geography.

Practically, we will also see how we can try out different approaches, and how their assumptions affect our conclusions.


David O’Sullivan and David Unwin (2003) , Wiley, chapter 4, plus chapter 3 for the curious (or 2010, ch. 5 plus ch. 4);

Ian Smalley and David Unwin (1968) The formation and shape of drumlins and their distribution and orientation in drumlin fields, , 7, pp. 377–390; Alan R. Hill (1973) The distribution of drumlins in County Down, Ireland, , 63 (2). pp. 226–240.

Others may also like Trevor Bailey and Anthony Gatrell (1995) , Longman, chapter 3.

Drumlins, Poland

Data, drumlins, County Down, Ireland

## rgdal: version: 1.5-2, (SVN revision 896)
##  Geospatial Data Abstraction Library extensions to R successfully loaded
##  Loaded GDAL runtime: GDAL 3.0.2, released 2019/10/28
##  Path to GDAL shared files: /usr/local/share/gdal
##  GDAL binary built with GEOS: TRUE 
##  Loaded PROJ.4 runtime: Rel. 6.2.1, November 1st, 2019, [PJ_VERSION: 621]
##  Path to PROJ.4 shared files: /usr/local/share/proj
##  Linking to sp version: 1.3-3
drumlins <- readOGR(".", "drumlins")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "/home/rsb/und/ecs530/h19", layer: "drumlins"
## with 232 features
## It has 4 fields
drumlins_SP <- as(drumlins, "SpatialPoints")

A data set similar to the one refered to by O’Sullivan and Unwin on p. 100-101 is available in spatial in R (associated with Venables and Ripley (2002) Modern Applied Statistics with S) — it is the one used by Upton and Fingleton, coded by Ripley. We have here copied the points to a shapefile.

Hill, 1973 Upton & Fingleton, 1985

Using spatstat with sp

## Checking rgeos availability: TRUE
## Loading required package:
## Loading required package: nlme
## Loading required package: rpart
## spatstat 1.61-0       (nickname: 'Puppy zoomies') 
## For an introduction to spatstat, type 'beginner'
## Note: spatstat version 1.61-0 is out of date by more than 11 weeks; a newer version should be available.
## Attaching package: 'spatstat'
## The following object is masked from 'package:lattice':
##     panel.histogram
## The following object is masked from 'package:gstat':
##     idw
drumlins_ppp <- as(drumlins_SP, "ppp")
## Planar point pattern: 6 points
## window: rectangle = [0.280488, 8.231707] x [5.567073, 13.487805] units

Although spatstat and the sp classes have developed independently, they have a good deal in common, and point patterns, images and polygon windows can be exchanged

Edges and plot

Point pattern objects need bounding windows to show where the population of data points were collected. The default window is the bounding box of the points, but others are available.

bb <- boundingbox(drumlins_ppp)
ch <- convexhull.xy(drumlins_ppp)
rr <- ripras(drumlins_ppp)
drumlins_rr <- ppp(drumlins_ppp$x, drumlins_ppp$y, window=rr)
plot(bb, add=TRUE, border="darkgreen", lwd=2, lty=1)
plot(ch, add=TRUE, border="darkred", lwd=2, lty=3)
plot(rr, add=TRUE, border="orange", lwd=2, lty=2)

Quadrat analysis

One legacy approach to point patterns, avoiding the drudge of measuring inter-point distances, has been to divide the study area into quadrats, and count the numbers of points falling into each quadrat. This can take the form of a 2D histogram, or be displayed as an image plot.

qc <- quadratcount(drumlins_ppp)
cellsize <- mean(diff(attr(qc, "xbreaks")))
cellsize <- c(cellsize, mean(diff(attr(qc, "ybreaks"))))
grd <- GridTopology(c(attr(qc, "xbreaks")[1]+cellsize[1]/2, attr(qc, "ybreaks")[1]+cellsize[2]/2), cellsize, dim(qc))
t3 <- cbind(coordinates(grd), c(t(qc)))
plot(as(SpatialGrid(grd), "Spatial"), axes=TRUE)
title(main="Quadrat counts")
plot(drumlins_SP, add=TRUE, cex=0.8)
text(t3[,1], t3[,2], t3[,3], cex=1.2, font=2, col="darkred")
abline(h=attr(qc, "ybreaks"))
abline(v=attr(qc, "xbreaks"))

Quadrat tests

Chi-squared tests for Complete Spatial Randomness using quadrat counts may seem attractive, but suffer from the same problems as do histogram bins:

##  Chi-squared test of CSR using quadrat counts
## data:  drumlins_ppp
## X2 = 37.828, df = 24, p-value = 0.07222
## alternative hypothesis: two.sided
## Quadrats: 5 by 5 grid of tiles

Just adding one more row and column of quadrats, or switching windows, changes our conclusion:

quadrat.test(drumlins_ppp, nx=6)
##  Chi-squared test of CSR using quadrat counts
## data:  drumlins_ppp
## X2 = 41.414, df = 35, p-value = 0.4221
## alternative hypothesis: two.sided
## Quadrats: 6 by 6 grid of tiles
## Warning: Some expected counts are small; chi^2 approximation may be inaccurate
##  Chi-squared test of CSR using quadrat counts
## data:  drumlins_rr
## X2 = 34.389, df = 24, p-value = 0.156
## alternative hypothesis: two.sided
## Quadrats: 25 tiles (irregular windows)

Density plots

Density plots use a 2D kernel, in spatstat a Gaussian kernel, to create smoothed histograms avoiding the problems of quadrat counts. The key argument to pass to the density method for point patterm objects is sigma=, which determines the bandwidth of the kernel. Since we can coerce the image objects output by the method to an sp class, we use this to cumulate density values for different values of sigma.

SPrr <- as(rr, "SpatialPolygons")
SG0 <- Sobj_SpatialGrid(SPrr)$SG
crds <- coordinates(SG0)
crds <- list(x=crds[,1], y=crds[,2])
k025 <- density(drumlins_rr, sigma=0.25, xy=crds)
SG <- as(k025, "SpatialGridDataFrame")
k050 <- density(drumlins_rr, sigma=0.5, xy=crds)
SG <- cbind(SG, as(k050, "SpatialGridDataFrame"))
k075 <- density(drumlins_rr, sigma=0.75, xy=crds)
SG <- cbind(SG, as(k075, "SpatialGridDataFrame"))
k100 <- density(drumlins_rr, sigma=1.0, xy=crds)
SG <- cbind(SG, as(k100, "SpatialGridDataFrame"))
names(SG) <- c("k025", "k050", "k075", "k100")
spl <- list("sp.points", drumlins, pch=".", col=1)
spplot(SG, c("k025", "k050", "k075", "k100"), col.regions=terrain.colors(16), cuts=15, sp.layout=list(spl), par.strip.text=list(cex=0.7))

Narrower bandwidths yield more extreme values, broader bandwidths narrow the interquartile range. From this table, we can see how the change in the bandwidth is affecting the relative differences in our view of the local estimates of intensity.

summary(as(SG, "data.frame")[,1:4])
##       k025                k050             k075             k100       
##  Min.   : 0.000246   Min.   :0.1863   Min.   :0.5847   Min.   :0.9518  
##  1st Qu.: 2.140005   1st Qu.:2.7470   1st Qu.:3.0331   1st Qu.:3.1944  
##  Median : 3.648164   Median :3.7812   Median :3.8033   Median :3.8120  
##  Mean   : 3.649323   Mean   :3.6303   Mean   :3.6151   Mean   :3.6113  
##  3rd Qu.: 5.122177   3rd Qu.:4.7156   3rd Qu.:4.4479   3rd Qu.:4.2417  
##  Max.   :11.145954   Max.   :6.2894   Max.   :5.3341   Max.   :5.1032

Nearest-neighbour distances

We can find and plot nearest neighbour distances, finding them with nndist — plotting the empirical cumulative distribution function of the nearest neighbour distances is interesting:

nns <- nndist(drumlins_rr)
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.1446  0.2700  0.3203  0.3254  0.3685  1.0073

Using G-hat - empirical cumulative distribution function

The \(\hat{G}\) measure turns out to be just the ECDF of the nearest neighbour distances, plotted by default with the expected CSR line; Gest returns binned values for a range of distance bins best chosen by the function:

plot(ecdf(nns), xlim=c(0, 0.5))
plot(Gest(drumlins_ppp), add=TRUE, lwd=3)

If we generate many simulated CSR point patterns for the current window, we can use the envelope method to explore whether the observed \(\hat{G}\) measures lie in relation to the simulated ones:

n <- drumlins_rr$n
ex <- expression(runifpoint(n, win=rr))
res <- envelope(drumlins_rr, Gest, nsim=99, simulate=ex, 
        verbose=FALSE, savefuns=TRUE)
plot(res, xlim=c(0,0.7))
for(i in 2:100) lines(attr(res, "simfuns")[[1]], attr(res, "simfuns")[[i]], col="grey")
plot(res, add=TRUE, lwd=3, xlim=c(0,0.7))

Clark/Evans R statistics

We can also compute the nearest neighbour based Clark/Evans R statistic :

##    naive Donnelly      cdf 
## 1.248991 1.214479 1.229503
clarkevans(drumlins_rr, correction="none")
## [1] 1.238292
clarkevans(drumlins_rr, correction="guard", clipregion=erosion.owin(rr, r=1))
## [1] 1.194691

which seem to indicate that the observed and CSR expected distances are similar, but perhaps more evenly spaced than clustered.

Was CSR a good idea?

From what we have seen, it appears the the drumlin summit points are more regularly than randomly distributed. If we think, however, the absence of short nearest neighbour distance may mean that they “push” each other apart (in fact this is about points not being a good way of representing ellipses) — so we can try to simulate from a Simple Sequential Inhibition (SSI) process with a 180m inhibition radius instead of CSR:

ex <- expression(rSSI(0.18, n, win=rr))
res <- envelope(drumlins_rr, Gest, nsim=99, simulate=ex, 
                verbose=FALSE, savefuns=TRUE)
capture.output(plot(res, xlim=c(0,0.7)))
## character(0)
for(i in 2:100) lines(attr(res, "simfuns")[[1]], attr(res, "simfuns")[[i]], col="grey")
capture.output(plot(res, add=TRUE, lwd=3, xlim=c(0,0.7)))

## character(0)

K-hat with CSR simulation

As we know, G-hat uses nearest neighbour distances to express summary features of a point pattern. The K-hat function uses point intensities in rings spreading out from the points, and so uses more of the data to examine what is driving the process (reported here as L-hat):

ex <- expression(runifpoint(n, win=rr))
res <- envelope(drumlins_rr, Kest, nsim=99, simulate=ex, 
                verbose=FALSE, savefuns=TRUE)
r <- res$r
Lhat <- function(k, r) { (sqrt(k/pi)) - r }
plot(r, Lhat(res$obs, r), type="n", ylab="L(r)", main="CSR simulation", ylim=c(-0.17, 0.1))
for(i in 2:100) lines(r, Lhat(attr(res, "simfuns")[[i]], r), col="grey")
lines(r, Lhat(res$obs, r), lwd=2, col="brown")
lines(r, Lhat(res$lo, r), lwd=2, col="black", lty=2)
lines(r, Lhat(res$hi, r), lwd=2, col="black", lty=2)

K-hat with SSI simulation

From what we already know, drumlins represented as points appear to inhibit each other under a distance of about 200m, so running the \(\hat{K}\) measure with an SSI process should show more of what is going on:

ex <- expression(rSSI(0.18, n, win=rr))
res <- envelope(drumlins_rr, Kest, nsim=99, simulate=ex, 
                verbose=FALSE, savefuns=TRUE)
r <- res$r
Lhat <- function(k, r) { (sqrt(k/pi)) - r }
plot(r, Lhat(res$obs, r), type="n", ylab="L(r)", main="SSI simulation", ylim=c(-0.17, 0.1))
for(i in 2:100) lines(r, Lhat(attr(res, "simfuns")[[i]], r), col="grey")
lines(r, Lhat(res$obs, r), lwd=2, col="brown")
lines(r, Lhat(res$lo, r), lwd=2, col="black", lty=2)
lines(r, Lhat(res$hi, r), lwd=2, col="black", lty=2)

Inhomogeneous K-hat with CSR simulation

Another possibility is that the CSR hypothesis is at error on assuming that the process is homogeneous — we may also test against an inhomogeneous process using the Kinhom function. If its lambda argument is omitted, it does leave-one-out kernel smoothing to find \(\lambda_i\) by omitting the \(i\)-th point:

ex <- expression(runifpoint(n, win=rr))
res <- envelope(drumlins_rr, Kinhom, nsim=99, simulate=ex, 
                verbose=FALSE, savefuns=TRUE)
r <- res$r
Lhat <- function(k, r) { (sqrt(k/pi)) - r }
plot(r, Lhat(res$obs, r), type="n", ylab="L(r)", main="CSR simulation", ylim=c(-0.17, 0.1))
for(i in 2:100) lines(r, Lhat(attr(res, "simfuns")[[i]], r), col="grey")
lines(r, Lhat(res$obs, r), lwd=2, col="brown")
lines(r, Lhat(res$lo, r), lwd=2, col="black", lty=2)
lines(r, Lhat(res$hi, r), lwd=2, col="black", lty=2)

Inhomogeneous \(\hat{K}\) with SSI simulation

Finally, we round off with an inhomogeneous SSI process:

ex <- expression(rSSI(0.18, n, win=rr))
res <- envelope(drumlins_rr, Kinhom, nsim=99, simulate=ex, 
                verbose=FALSE, savefuns=TRUE)
r <- res$r
Lhat <- function(k, r) { (sqrt(k/pi)) - r }
plot(r, Lhat(res$obs, r), type="n", ylab="L(r)", main="SSI simulation", ylim=c(-0.17, 0.1))
for(i in 2:100) lines(r, Lhat(attr(res, "simfuns")[[i]], r), col="grey")
lines(r, Lhat(res$obs, r), lwd=2, col="brown")
lines(r, Lhat(res$lo, r), lwd=2, col="black", lty=2)
lines(r, Lhat(res$hi, r), lwd=2, col="black", lty=2)

Conclusions about drumlins (so far)

Comparing the SSI with the CSR results indicates that we can not only reject the CSR process as being that driving drumlin point locations, but we have good grounds to suppose that a spatial inhibition process is operating

It is also very possible that the process is inhomogeneous, that is that an omitted heterogeneity in the surface is influencing the point pattern

The minimum drumlin footprint is such that drumlins cannot be closer to each other than a certain minimum distance

At short range, the estimated L-hat values are lower than the lower envelope bounds, but only less than 0.4 distance units — this corresponds to spatial inhibition

As the L-hat simulation values for the SSI process indicate, drumlins are not well represented by points, because they have area, even volume, and rarely overlap’’

Case/control point patterns

It is frequently the case that point patterns are not measured on homogeneous surfaces

One way to tackle this is, as in these examples from Zhang et al. (2009), to sample from the population at risk to form a control group

We are then interested in examining the spatial distribution of cases compared to the spatial distribution of controls

The cases are observations of schistosomiasis in Guichi, China, and the controls are taken from the polulation at risk

First we’ll read in the points, enclosing polygon, and river banks:

points <- readOGR(".", "points")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "/home/rsb/und/ecs530/h19", layer: "points"
## with 166 features
## It has 1 fields
rivers <- readOGR(".", "rivers")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "/home/rsb/und/ecs530/h19", layer: "rivers"
## with 5 features
## It has 1 fields
## Integer64 fields read as strings:  OBJECTID
poly <- readOGR(".", "poly")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "/home/rsb/und/ecs530/h19", layer: "poly"
## with 1 features
## It has 1 fields
## Integer64 fields read as strings:  ID
plot(rivers, add=TRUE)
points(points, pch=as.integer(points$mark))

We coerce the sp objects to their spatstat representations, the points with marks:

poly.owin <- as(poly, "owin")
xy <- coordinates(points)
points.ppp <- ppp(xy[,1], xy[,2], marks=points$mark, window=poly.owin)
## Marked planar point pattern:  166 points
## Average intensity 317.9072 points per square unit
## Coordinates are given to 8 decimal places
## Multitype:
##         frequency proportion intensity
## case           83        0.5  158.9536
## control        83        0.5  158.9536
## Window: polygonal boundary
## single connected closed polygon with 328 vertices
## enclosing rectangle: [0, 1] x [0, 0.8758322] units
## Window area = 0.522165 square units
## Fraction of frame area: 0.596
plot(split(points.ppp), nrows=2)

Kernel density

We make a mask for the kernel density calculations, and show the overall density:

Mask <- Sobj_SpatialGrid(poly)
o <- over(Mask$SG, poly)
Mask1 <- SpatialGridDataFrame(slot(Mask$SG, "grid"), data=o)
Mask2 <- as(Mask1, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
XY <- coordinates(Mask2)
XY <- list(x=XY[,1], y=XY[,2])
Z <- density(points.ppp, xy=XY)

Case/control kernels

The split density shows how the point patterns differ:

Z <- density(split(points.ppp), xy=XY)
plot(Z, nrows=2)

Kernel ratio

We can also display the case density as a proportion of the overall density:

pCases <- with(Z, + control)))
plot(points.ppp, add=TRUE)