We are planning to stream ECS530 Monday-Friday 2-6 December 09:15-11:00 CET and Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 13:15-15:00. Materials are available from the front page.

Please connect to: https://stream.nhh.no/no/broadcast/254 and follow instructions there. Transmission will only be active as indicated, Monday-Friday 2-6 December 09:15-11:00 CET and Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 13:15-15:00. You will be able to choose the screen share for one or more of three screens and/or one or more room cameras, audio should be available on all streams.

Please report malfunction to https://sli.do, code #Q997, or as an issue on https://github.com/rsbivand/ECS530_h19. This page may well be updated, so you may need to reload it to get the freshest instructions.