All the material presented here, to the extent it is original, is available under CC-BY-SA.
I am running R 4.1.0, with recent update.packages()
needed <- c("coda", "INLABMA", "INLA", "foreach", "sphet", "ggplot2",
"R2BayesX", "colorspace", "BayesXsrc", "HSAR", "hglm", "",
"sp", "MatrixModels", "lme4", "spmoran", "spatialreg", "spData", "tmap", "sf")
Script and data at Download to suitable location, unzip and use as basis.
Time | Topic |
Monday 7/6 | |
09.00-12.00 | How may we integrate spatial data from different sources? How may we aggregate spatial data? Which data structures are helpful in handling spatial data? |
13.00-16.00 | Observations of spatial data are related to each other either by distance, or by a graph of edges linking observations seen as being neighbours. How may they be constructed? How may we address the issues raised by the probable presence of spatial autocorrelation in the spatial data that we are using? |
Tuesday 8/6 | |
09.00-12.00 | How can we measure global spatial autocorrelation? |
13.00-16.00 | How can we measure local spatial autocorrelation? |
Monday 14/6 | |
09.00-12.00 | How may we fit regression models to spatial data in the presence of spatial autocorrelation? Maximum likelihood and spatial filtering, case weights. |
13.00-16.00 | How should we interpret the coefficients or impacts of spatial regression models? How may we predict from spatial regession models? |
Tuesday 15/6 | |
09.00-12.00 | Multi-level models: at which level in the data may we fit spatial processes? |
13.00-16.00 | Spatial filtering, hierarchical GLM, GAM, etc., spatial epidemiological approaches |
Monday 21/6 | |
09.00-12.00 | Presentations/consultations/discussion |
13.00-16.00 | Presentations/consultations/discussion |
Spatial filtering methods as developed by Daniel A. Griffith (2003) build on using standard linear and generalized linear models supplemented with selected eigenvectors from the spatial weights matrix. In Patuelli et al. (2012), D. A. Griffith (2010) and D. A. Griffith and Paelinck (2011), examples were given of how standard and non-standard spatial econometric problems could be approached using spatial filtering. Tiefelsdorf and Griffith (2007) proposed that the eigenvectors for inclusion should be selected by their ability to reduce residual autocorrelation rather than to increase model fit. This approach was implemented by Yongwan Chun and Michael Tiefelsdorf in spdep and moved to spatialreg, with two steps, first to select eigenvectors taken from the spatial weights matrix doubly centred using the hat matrix of the actual regression, then using lm
to fit the model, effectively removing residual autocorrelation:
The New York 8 county data set contains population standardized leukaemia cases, with Z
as a transformed rate:
## Linking to GEOS 3.10.0dev, GDAL 3.3.0, PROJ 8.0.1
NY8 <- st_read(system.file("shapes/NY8_utm18.shp", package="spData"))
## Reading layer `NY8_utm18' from data source
## `/home/rsb/lib/r_libs/spData/shapes/NY8_utm18.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 281 features and 17 fields
## Geometry type: POLYGON
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: 358241.9 ymin: 4649755 xmax: 480393.1 ymax: 4808545
## Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 18N
NY8 <- st_buffer(NY8, dist=0)
tm_shape(NY8) + tm_fill("Z", midpoint=0)
Create a neighbour object:
NY_nb <- spdep::poly2nb(NY8)
NY_lwB <- spdep::nb2listw(NY_nb, style="B")
NY_lwW <- spdep::nb2listw(NY_nb, style="W")
Check how the SAR and CAR models behave, with and without case weights:
## Loading required package: spData
## Loading required package: Matrix
mod1 <- spautolm(gform, data=NY8, family="CAR", listw=NY_lwB, weights=POP8)
## Call: spautolm(formula = gform, data = NY8, listw = NY_lwB, weights = POP8,
## family = "CAR")
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.500566 -0.274566 0.087494 0.454262 4.257081
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) -0.783775 0.142645 -5.4946 3.916e-08
## PEXPOSURE 0.078887 0.027922 2.8253 0.004724
## PCTAGE65P 3.841221 0.573083 6.7027 2.046e-11
## PCTOWNHOME -0.392319 0.154995 -2.5312 0.011368
## Lambda: 0.011751 LR test value: 0.11668 p-value: 0.73266
## Numerical Hessian standard error of lambda: 0.039471
## Log likelihood: -251.7067
## ML residual variance (sigma squared): 1105.1, (sigma: 33.243)
## Number of observations: 281
## Number of parameters estimated: 6
## AIC: 515.41
This data set is used Waller and Gotway (2004), and in both editions of ASDAR. It is harder to deploy Poisson models because the cases are not integer counts.
(SF0 <- SpatialFiltering(gform, data = NY8, nb=NY_nb, style="W"))
## Step SelEvec Eval MinMi ZMinMi Pr(ZI) R2
## 0 0 0 0.0000000 0.077160258 2.41881146 0.01557131 0.1931605
## 1 1 21 0.7617439 0.065249815 2.17039169 0.02997719 0.2069579
## 2 2 78 0.2132604 0.052273969 1.82565937 0.06790159 0.2708788
## 3 3 12 0.8593013 0.040520587 1.59403969 0.11092715 0.2813452
## 4 4 11 0.8763886 0.029200840 1.37568345 0.16891966 0.2909475
## 5 5 10 0.8936187 0.017791439 1.15578610 0.24776866 0.3001843
## 6 6 36 0.5975208 0.006126374 0.89180778 0.37249597 0.3139880
## 7 7 25 0.7045949 -0.005770779 0.63373494 0.52625382 0.3254772
## 8 8 8 0.9138669 -0.016486915 0.43237073 0.66547199 0.3332466
## 9 9 41 0.5555168 -0.027419742 0.18369582 0.85425209 0.3457514
## 10 10 4 0.9659973 -0.036297199 0.03794093 0.96973478 0.3515462
## gamma
## 0 0.0000000
## 1 -1.4302287
## 2 -3.0784210
## 3 -1.2456734
## 4 -1.1931510
## 5 1.1702215
## 6 -1.4305515
## 7 1.3051280
## 8 -1.0732479
## 9 1.3615854
## 10 0.9268825
SF_obj2 <- lm(update(gform, . ~ . + fitted(SF0)), data = NY8)
## Call:
## lm(formula = update(gform, . ~ . + fitted(SF0)), data = NY8)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.42548 -0.38747 -0.03151 0.32462 3.11533
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -0.51728 0.14478 -3.573 0.000419 ***
## PEXPOSURE 0.04884 0.03202 1.525 0.128366
## PCTAGE65P 3.95089 0.55290 7.146 8.54e-12 ***
## PCTOWNHOME -0.56004 0.15551 -3.601 0.000378 ***
## fitted(SF0)vec21 -1.43023 0.60005 -2.383 0.017848 *
## fitted(SF0)vec78 -3.07842 0.60005 -5.130 5.57e-07 ***
## fitted(SF0)vec12 -1.24567 0.60005 -2.076 0.038857 *
## fitted(SF0)vec11 -1.19315 0.60005 -1.988 0.047788 *
## fitted(SF0)vec10 1.17022 0.60005 1.950 0.052200 .
## fitted(SF0)vec36 -1.43055 0.60005 -2.384 0.017823 *
## fitted(SF0)vec25 1.30513 0.60005 2.175 0.030507 *
## fitted(SF0)vec8 -1.07325 0.60005 -1.789 0.074815 .
## fitted(SF0)vec41 1.36159 0.60005 2.269 0.024060 *
## fitted(SF0)vec4 0.92688 0.60005 1.545 0.123612
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.6001 on 267 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.3515, Adjusted R-squared: 0.32
## F-statistic: 11.13 on 13 and 267 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
spdep::lm.morantest(SF_obj2, NY_lwW)
## Global Moran I for regression residuals
## data:
## model: lm(formula = update(gform, . ~ . + fitted(SF0)), data = NY8)
## weights: NY_lwW
## Moran I statistic standard deviate = 0.037941, p-value = 0.4849
## alternative hypothesis: greater
## sample estimates:
## Observed Moran I Expectation Variance
## -0.036297199 -0.037620475 0.001216424
vecs <- fitted(SF0)
pvecs <- vecs %*% diag(coefficients(SF_obj2)[5:14])
colnames(pvecs) <- colnames(vecs)
Typically, the small subset of eigenvectors selected mops up spatial autocorrelation in the residual. S. Dray, Legendre, and Peres-Neto (2006) and D. A. Griffith and Peres-Neto (2006) adopt a similar approach in a generalized linear model context, implemented in spdep by Pedro Peres-Neto and moved now to spatialreg as ME
analogous with SpatialFiltering
, but centering the spatial weights matrix on the null model hat matrix, and using bootstrap methods in evaluating the the choice of eigenvectors. The correlations between the implied cumulated outcomes of these methods are shown in Table . Stéphane Dray et al. (2012) describe many of the underlying motivations, including the view that Moran eigenvector spatial filtering approaches may permit both spatial autocorrelation and spatial scale tto be accommodate in a single model; a further implementation is given in Stéphane Dray et al. (2021).
(ME0 <- ME(gform, data = NY8, listw=NY_lwW, alpha=0.15, nsim=99))
## Eigenvector ZI pr(ZI)
## 0 NA NA 0.02
## 1 14 NA 0.05
## 2 10 NA 0.09
## 3 13 NA 0.19
ME_obj2 <- lm(update(gform, . ~ . + fitted(ME0)), data = NY8)
## Call:
## lm(formula = update(gform, . ~ . + fitted(ME0)), data = NY8)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.8380 -0.4017 -0.0284 0.3515 3.9741
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -0.50990 0.16308 -3.127 0.00196 **
## PEXPOSURE 0.04796 0.03454 1.389 0.16611
## PCTAGE65P 3.98900 0.60341 6.611 1.99e-10 ***
## PCTOWNHOME -0.57883 0.17669 -3.276 0.00119 **
## fitted(ME0)vec14 1.68445 0.65969 2.553 0.01121 *
## fitted(ME0)vec10 -1.24178 0.67254 -1.846 0.06591 .
## fitted(ME0)vec13 -1.06217 0.64759 -1.640 0.10211
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.6454 on 274 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.2303, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2134
## F-statistic: 13.66 on 6 and 274 DF, p-value: 1.435e-13
mvecs <- fitted(ME0) %*% diag(coefficients(ME_obj2)[5:7])
sem_obj2a <- spautolm(gform, NY8, listw=NY_lwW)
W <- as(NY_lwW, "CsparseMatrix")
SAR_ssre <- 2*as.vector((sem_obj2a$lambda * W) %*% sem_obj2a$Y - (sem_obj2a$lambda * W) %*% (sem_obj2a$X %*% sem_obj2a$fit$coefficients))
Murakami and Griffith (2019) provide a fresher version of spatial filtering implemented in Murakami (2021). This also appears to centre the spatial weights matrix on the null model hat matrix, and chooses eigenvectors not to reduce residual autocorrelation, but chooses those among the eigenvectors with positive eigenvalues that increase model fit most up to a threshold to control overfitting. The default approach uses an exponential variogram model to generate the weights matrix from planar coordinates. The meigen
function subsets the full set of eigenvectors before the data are seen, then esf
calls lm
itself while further subsetting the eigenvectors.
centroids_utm <- st_centroid(st_geometry(NY8))
meig <- meigen(st_coordinates(centroids_utm))
## 33/281 eigen-pairs are extracted
y <- model.response(model.frame(gform, NY8))
X <- model.matrix(update(gform, ~ .), NY8)
(esf_obj2 <- esf(y, X, meig=meig))
## 13/33 eigenvectors are selected
## Call:
## esf(y = y, x = X, meig = meig)
## ----Coefficients------------------------------
## Estimate SE t_value p_value
## (Intercept) -0.645834939 0.1653420 -3.90605508 1.192357e-04
## PEXPOSURE -0.003338754 0.0393389 -0.08487155 9.324278e-01
## PCTAGE65P 3.815483576 0.6071078 6.28468921 1.350496e-09
## PCTOWNHOME -0.149187135 0.2024274 -0.73699095 4.617823e-01
## ----Spatial effects (residuals)---------------
## Estimate
## SE 0.25038503
## Moran.I/max(Moran.I) 0.09378257
## ----Error statistics--------------------------
## stat
## resid_SE 0.6337987
## adjR2 0.2413396
## logLik -261.8110562
## AIC 559.6221123
## BIC 625.1124964
## Estimate SE t_value p_value
## sf4 2.1178467 0.7512534 2.819084 0.005180899
## sf16 1.1685835 0.6394087 1.827600 0.068738267
## sf10 1.5165780 0.6639666 2.284118 0.023158813
## sf7 -0.9797156 0.6452891 -1.518258 0.130145881
## sf3 -1.2546505 0.6715339 -1.868335 0.062822932
## sf23 -0.9807425 0.6421764 -1.527217 0.127904327
## sf17 -0.9867262 0.6344423 -1.555266 0.121080772
## sf30 -0.9672723 0.6339788 -1.525717 0.128277437
## sf19 1.0235518 0.6477160 1.580248 0.115247446
## sf18 0.9472687 0.6429683 1.473274 0.141868377
## sf13 0.8214887 0.6437379 1.276123 0.203033580
## sf8 -0.8464719 0.6536142 -1.295063 0.196429731
## sf12 0.8134187 0.6831693 1.190655 0.234858689
r_used_eigs <- row.names(esf_obj2$r)
used_eigs <- as.integer(substring(r_used_eigs, 3))
evecs <- meig$sf[, used_eigs] %*% diag(esf_obj2$r[1:length(r_used_eigs),1])
colnames(evecs) <- r_used_eigs
SEs <- cbind("ESF"=apply(evecs, 1, sum), "SF"=apply(pvecs, 1, sum), "ME"=apply(mvecs, 1, sum), "SAR"=SAR_ssre)
NY8_SEs <- cbind(NY8, SEs)
mat <- cor(SEs)
colnames(mat) <- rownames(mat) <- c("ESF", "SF", "ME", "SAR")
## ESF 1.0000000 0.3452012 0.4634257 0.6032419
## SF 0.3452012 1.0000000 0.4639506 0.5144771
## ME 0.4634257 0.4639506 1.0000000 0.3907094
## SAR 0.6032419 0.5144771 0.3907094 1.0000000
The correlations between the two estimates of spatially structured random effects, three cumulated spatial filtering approaches, and the spatially structured term implied by the ML estimates of the spatial error model. As can be seen, they are very similar to each other, so the choice of approach may be fairly flexible and relate more to the needs of users and their domain usages that to a single body of theory.
tm_shape(NY8_SEs) + tm_fill(c("ESF", "SF", "ME", "SAR"), n=8, palette="BrBG", midpoint=0, title="Spatial effect") + tm_facets(free.scales=FALSE) + tm_borders(lwd=0.5) + tm_layout(panel.labels=c("ESF", "SF", "ME", "SAR"), bg="grey90")
nc <- st_read(system.file("shapes/sids.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE)
st_crs(nc) <- "EPSG:4267"
row.names(nc) <- as.character(nc$FIPSNO)
nc$ft.SID74 <- sqrt(1000)*(sqrt(nc$SID74/nc$BIR74) + sqrt((nc$SID74+1)/nc$BIR74))
nc$ft.NWBIR74 <- sqrt(1000)*(sqrt(nc$NWBIR74/nc$BIR74) + sqrt((nc$NWBIR74+1)/nc$BIR74))
gal_file <- system.file("weights/", package="spData")[1]
ncCR85 <-,$FIPSNO)
nc_lw <- spdep::nb2listw(ncCR85, style="B")
nc_W <- as(nc_lw, "CsparseMatrix")
E <- nc$BIR74 * sum(nc$SID74)/sum(nc$BIR74)
(ME_nc_p <- ME(SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, offset=log(E), weights=BIR74, data=nc, family=poisson(link=log), listw=nc_lw, alpha=0.25, nsim=499))
## Eigenvector ZI pr(ZI)
## 0 NA NA 0.236
## 1 29 NA 0.376
ME_obj_nc0 <- glm(SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, offset=log(E), weights=BIR74, data=nc, family=poisson(link=log))
## Call:
## glm(formula = SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, family = poisson(link = log),
## data = nc, weights = BIR74, offset = log(E))
## Deviance Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -313.610 -24.400 5.395 44.517 300.187
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) -1.170e+00 2.524e-03 -463.5 <2e-16 ***
## ft.NWBIR74 2.988e-02 6.708e-05 445.5 <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
## Null deviance: 789476 on 99 degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 588642 on 98 degrees of freedom
## AIC: 1934183
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
ME_obj_nc <- glm(update(SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, . ~ . + fitted(ME_nc_p)), offset=log(E), weights=BIR74, data=nc, family=poisson(link=log))
## Call:
## glm(formula = update(SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, . ~ . + fitted(ME_nc_p)),
## family = poisson(link = log), data = nc, weights = BIR74,
## offset = log(E))
## Deviance Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -336.68 -27.88 2.30 37.86 316.34
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) -1.026e+00 2.548e-03 -402.7 <2e-16 ***
## ft.NWBIR74 2.738e-02 6.622e-05 413.5 <2e-16 ***
## fitted(ME_nc_p) -9.998e-01 5.081e-03 -196.8 <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
## Null deviance: 789476 on 99 degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 550383 on 97 degrees of freedom
## AIC: 1895926
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
anova(ME_obj_nc0, ME_obj_nc, test="Chisq")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model 1: SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74
## Model 2: SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74 + fitted(ME_nc_p)
## Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance Pr(>Chi)
## 1 98 588642
## 2 97 550383 1 38259 < 2.2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
boston_506 <- st_read(system.file("shapes/boston_tracts.shp", package="spData")[1])
## Reading layer `boston_tracts' from data source
## `/home/rsb/lib/r_libs/spData/shapes/boston_tracts.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 506 features and 36 fields
## Geometry type: POLYGON
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: -71.52311 ymin: 42.00305 xmax: -70.63823 ymax: 42.67307
## Geodetic CRS: NAD27
nb_q <- spdep::poly2nb(boston_506)
lw_q <- spdep::nb2listw(nb_q, style="W")
boston_506$CHAS <- as.factor(boston_506$CHAS)
boston_489 <- boston_506[!$median),]
nb_q_489 <- spdep::poly2nb(boston_489)
lw_q_489 <- spdep::nb2listw(nb_q_489, style="W", zero.policy=TRUE)
agg_96 <- list(as.character(boston_506$NOX_ID))
boston_96 <- aggregate(boston_506[, "NOX_ID"], by=agg_96, unique)
nb_q_96 <- spdep::poly2nb(boston_96)
lw_q_96 <- spdep::nb2listw(nb_q_96)
boston_96$NOX <- aggregate(boston_506$NOX, agg_96, mean)$x
boston_96$CHAS <- aggregate(as.integer(boston_506$CHAS)-1, agg_96, max)$x
nms <- names(boston_506)
ccounts <- 23:31
for (nm in nms[c(22, ccounts, 36)]) {
boston_96[[nm]] <- aggregate(boston_506[[nm]], agg_96, sum)$x
br2 <- c(3.50, 6.25, 8.75, 12.50, 17.50, 22.50, 30.00, 42.50, 60.00)*1000
counts <-[, nms[ccounts]]
f <- function(x) matrixStats::weightedMedian(x=br2, w=x, interpolate=TRUE)
boston_96$median <- apply(counts, 1, f)$median) <- boston_96$median > 50000
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
## 9009 20417 23523 25263 30073 49496 2
boston_94 <- boston_96[!$median),]
nb_q_94 <- spdep::subset.nb(nb_q_96, !$median))
lw_q_94 <- spdep::nb2listw(nb_q_94, style="W")
There is a large literature in spatial epidemiology using CAR and ICAR models in spatially structured random effects. These extend to multilevel models, in which the spatially structured random effects may apply at different levels of the model (R. S. Bivand et al. 2017). In order to try out some of the variants, we need to remove the no-neighbour observations from the tract level, and from the model output zone aggregated level, in two steps as reducing the tract level induces a no-neighbour outcome at the model output zone level.
boston_94a <- aggregate(boston_489[,"NOX_ID"], list(boston_489$NOX_ID), unique)
nb_q_94a <- spdep::poly2nb(boston_94a)
NOX_ID_no_neighs <- boston_94a$NOX_ID[which(spdep::card(nb_q_94a) == 0)]
boston_487 <- boston_489[$NOX_ID, NOX_ID_no_neighs)),]
boston_93 <- aggregate(boston_487[, "NOX_ID"], list(ids = boston_487$NOX_ID), unique)
row.names(boston_93) <- as.character(boston_93$NOX_ID)
nb_q_93 <- spdep::poly2nb(boston_93, row.names=unique(as.character(boston_93$NOX_ID)))
The lme4 package lets us add an IID unstructured random effect at the model output zone level:
form <- formula(log(median) ~ CRIM + ZN + INDUS + CHAS + I((NOX*10)^2) + I(RM^2) +
AGE + log(DIS) + log(RAD) + TAX + PTRATIO + I(BB/100) +
The ZN, INDUS, NOX, RAD, TAX and PTRATIO variables show effectively no variability within the TASSIM zones, so in a multilevel model the random effect may absorb their influence.
MLM <- lmer(update(form, . ~ . + (1 | NOX_ID)), data=boston_487, REML=FALSE)
copying the random effect into the "sf"
object for mapping below.
boston_93$MLM_re <- ranef(MLM)[[1]][,1]
Two packages, hglm and HSAR, offer SAR upper level spatially structured random effects, and require the specification of a sparse matrix mapping the upper level enities onto lower level entities, and sparse binary weights matrices:
Delta <- as(model.Matrix(~ -1 + as.factor(NOX_ID), data=boston_487, sparse=TRUE),
M <- as(spdep::nb2listw(nb_q_93, style="B"), "CsparseMatrix")
The extension of hglm to sparse spatial setting extended its facilities (Alam, Rönnegård, and Shen 2015), and also permits the modelling of discrete responses. First we fit an IID random effect:
y_hglm <- log(boston_487$median)
X_hglm <- model.matrix(lm(form, data=boston_487))
suppressWarnings(HGLM_iid <- hglm(y=y_hglm, X=X_hglm, Z=Delta))
followed by a SAR model at the upper level (corresponding to a spatial error (SEM) model), which reports the spatially structured random effect without fully converging, so coefficient standard errors are not available:
suppressWarnings(HGLM_sar <- hglm(y=y_hglm, X=X_hglm, Z=Delta,
boston_93$HGLM_re <- unname(HGLM_iid$ranef)
boston_93$HGLM_ss <- HGLM_sar$ranef[,1]
The HSAR package is restricted to the Gaussian response case, and fits an upper level SEM using MCMC; if W=
is a lower level weights matrix, it will also fit a lower level SLM (Guanpeng Dong and Harris 2015; G. Dong et al. 2015):
suppressWarnings(HSAR <- hsar(form, data=boston_487, W=NULL, M=M, Delta=Delta,
burnin=500, Nsim=2500, thinning=1))
boston_93$HSAR_ss <- HSAR$Mus[1,]
The R2BayesX package provides flexible support for structured additive regression models, including spatial multilevel models. The models include an IID unstructured random effect at the upper level using the "re"
specification (Umlauf et al. 2015); we choose the "MCMC"
BX_iid <- bayesx(update(form, . ~ . + sx(NOX_ID, bs="re")), family="gaussian",
data=boston_487, method="MCMC", iterations=12000, burnin=2000, step=2, seed=123)
boston_93$BX_re <- BX_iid$effects["sx(NOX_ID):re"][[1]]$Mean
and the "mrf"
(Markov random field) spatially structured random effect specification based on a graph derived from converting a suitable "nb"
object for the upper level. The ""
attribute of the "nb"
object needs to contain values corresponding the the indexing variable.
RBX_gra <- nb2gra(nb_q_93)
BX_mrf <- bayesx(update(form, . ~ . + sx(NOX_ID, bs="mrf", map=RBX_gra)),
family="gaussian", data=boston_487, method="MCMC",
iterations=12000, burnin=2000,step=2, seed=123)
boston_93$BX_ss <- BX_mrf$effects["sx(NOX_ID):mrf"][[1]]$Mean
In a very similar way, mgcv::gam()
can take an "mrf"
term using a suitable "nb"
object for the upper level. In this case the "nb"
object needs to have the contents of the ""
attribute copied as the names of the neighbour list components, and the indexing variable needs to be a factor (Wood 2017) (the "REML"
method of bayesx()
gives the same result here):
names(nb_q_93) <- attr(nb_q_93, "")
boston_487$NOX_ID <- as.factor(boston_487$NOX_ID)
GAM_MRF <- gam(update(form, . ~ . + s(NOX_ID, bs="mrf", xt=list(nb=nb_q_93))),
data=boston_487, method="REML")
boston_93$GAM_ss <- aggregate(predict(GAM_MRF, type="terms", se=FALSE)[,14],
list(boston_487$NOX_ID), mean)$x
In the cases of hglm()
, bayesx()
and gam()
, we could also model discrete responses without further major difficulty, and bayesx()
and gam()
also facilitate the generalization of functional form fitting for included covariates.
res <- rbind(iid_lmer=summary(MLM)$coefficients[6, 1:2],
iid_hglm=summary(HGLM_iid)$FixCoefMat[6, 1:2],
iid_BX=BX_iid$fixed.effects[6, 1:2],
sar_hsar=c(HSAR$Mbetas[1, 6], HSAR$SDbetas[1, 6]),
mrf_BX=BX_mrf$fixed.effects[6, 1:2],
mrf_GAM=c(summary(GAM_MRF)$p.coeff[6], summary(GAM_MRF)$se[6]))
Unfortunately, the coefficient estimates for the air pollution variable for these multilevel models are not helpful. All remain negative, but the inclusion of the model output zone level effects, be they IID or spatially structured, suggest that it is hard to disentangle the influence of the scale of observation from that of covariates observed at that scale.
df_res <-
names(df_res) <- c("mean", "sd")
limits <- aes(ymax = mean + qnorm(0.975)*sd, ymin=mean + qnorm(0.025)*sd)
df_res$model <- row.names(df_res)
p <- ggplot(df_res, aes(y=mean, x=model)) + geom_point() + geom_errorbar(limits) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, col="#EB811B") + coord_flip()
p + ggtitle("NOX coefficients and error bars") + theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent",colour = NA), legend.background = element_rect(colour = NA, fill = "transparent"))
This map shows that the model output zone level IID random effects are very similar across the three model fitting functions reported.
tm_shape(boston_93) + tm_fill(c("MLM_re", "HGLM_re" , "BX_re"), midpoint=0, title="IID") + tm_facets(free.scales=FALSE) + tm_borders(lwd=0.3, alpha=0.4) + tm_layout(panel.labels=c("MLM", "HGLM", "BX"))
The spatially structured SAR and MRF random effects (MRF term in the
case) are also very similar, with the MRF somewhat less smoothed than the SAR values.
tm_shape(boston_93) + tm_fill(c("HGLM_ss", "HSAR_ss", "BX_ss", "GAM_ss"), midpoint=0, title="SS") + tm_facets(free.scales=FALSE) + tm_borders(lwd=0.3, alpha=0.4) + tm_layout(panel.labels=c("HGLM SAR", "HSAR SAR", "BX MRF", "GAM MRF"))
Spatially structured random effects
Although there is still a great need for more thorough comparative studies of model fitting functions for spatial regression, there has been much progress over recent years. This is not completed as a proper set of comparisons with this data set - (R. S. Bivand et al. 2017; R. Bivand 2017) contains comparisons for Beijing land parcels and a housing data set for SW Norway.
nc <- st_read(system.file("shapes/sids.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE)
st_crs(nc) <- "EPSG:4267"
row.names(nc) <- as.character(nc$FIPSNO)
nc$ft.SID74 <- sqrt(1000)*(sqrt(nc$SID74/nc$BIR74) + sqrt((nc$SID74+1)/nc$BIR74))
nc$ft.NWBIR74 <- sqrt(1000)*(sqrt(nc$NWBIR74/nc$BIR74) + sqrt((nc$NWBIR74+1)/nc$BIR74))
gal_file <- system.file("weights/", package="spData")[1]
ncCR85 <-,$FIPSNO)
nc_lw <- spdep::nb2listw(ncCR85, style="B")
nc_W <- as(nc_lw, "CsparseMatrix")
The approach taken by social scientists including economists, and some others has been to approach this through simultaneous autoregressive approaches, where the response is modelled using fixed covariates, and the residual process is modelled by optimising a log likelihood function. The spatialreg package provides spautolm()
and errorsarlm()
m1 <- spautolm(ft.SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, weights=BIR74, data=nc, listw=nc_lw, family="SAR")
When we include the covariate, the spatial error coefficient contributes little:
## Call: spautolm(formula = ft.SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, data = nc, listw = nc_lw,
## weights = BIR74, family = "SAR")
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.83149 -0.44934 0.09456 0.56278 2.90208
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) 1.5816687 0.2507427 6.3079 2.828e-10
## ft.NWBIR74 0.0366864 0.0069608 5.2704 1.361e-07
## Lambda: 0.035437 LR test value: 1.787 p-value: 0.18129
## Numerical Hessian standard error of lambda: 0.026096
## Log likelihood: -119.6704
## ML residual variance (sigma squared): 1304.4, (sigma: 36.117)
## Number of observations: 100
## Number of parameters estimated: 4
## AIC: 247.34
It is unusual to present maps of the spatially structured random effect in cases where the simultaneous autoregressive approach is used, but it is fully possible using components of the returned model object (the vector is doubled for comparison with the CAR version):
nc$SAR_ssre <- 2*as.vector((m1$lambda * nc_W) %*% m1$Y - (m1$lambda * nc_W) %*% (m1$X %*% m1$fit$coefficients))
tm_shape(nc) + tm_fill(c("ft.SID74", "SAR_ssre"), midpoint=c(NA, 0))
The other maximum likelihood implementation gives the same results, but provides a Hausman test for shifts in the covariate coefficients between the aspatial and spatial estimates (Pace and LeSage 2008); there is none:
m1a <- errorsarlm(ft.SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, weights=BIR74, data=nc, listw=nc_lw)
summary(m1a, Hausman=TRUE)
## Call:errorsarlm(formula = ft.SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, data = nc, listw = nc_lw,
## weights = BIR74)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.83149 -0.44934 0.09456 0.56278 2.90208
## Type: error
## Coefficients: (asymptotic standard errors)
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) 1.5816687 0.2507427 6.3079 2.828e-10
## ft.NWBIR74 0.0366864 0.0069608 5.2704 1.361e-07
## Lambda: 0.035437, LR test value: 1.787, p-value: 0.18129
## Asymptotic standard error: 0.029167
## z-value: 1.2149, p-value: 0.22439
## Wald statistic: 1.4761, p-value: 0.22439
## Log likelihood: -119.6704 for error model
## ML residual variance (sigma squared): 1304.4, (sigma: 36.117)
## Number of observations: 100
## Number of parameters estimated: 4
## AIC: 247.34, (AIC for lm: 247.13)
## Hausman test: 1.565, df: 2, p-value: 0.45726
It also lets us add Durbin=
terms, that is spatially lagged covariates:
m1b <- errorsarlm(ft.SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, weights=BIR74, data=nc, listw=nc_lw, Durbin=TRUE)
summary(m1b, Hausman=TRUE)
## Call:errorsarlm(formula = ft.SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, data = nc, listw = nc_lw,
## weights = BIR74, Durbin = TRUE)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.8705347 -0.4488357 0.0094254 0.4864939 2.7406880
## Type: error
## Coefficients: (asymptotic standard errors)
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) 2.28212888 0.33548214 6.8025 1.028e-11
## ft.NWBIR74 0.03532229 0.00811453 4.3530 1.343e-05
## lag.(Intercept) -0.15336745 0.06073121 -2.5253 0.01156
## lag.ft.NWBIR74 0.00098902 0.00159099 0.6216 0.53418
## Lambda: 0.028053, LR test value: 1.036, p-value: 0.30874
## Asymptotic standard error: 0.029824
## z-value: 0.94064, p-value: 0.34689
## Wald statistic: 0.8848, p-value: 0.34689
## Log likelihood: -115.1974 for error model
## ML residual variance (sigma squared): 1195.8, (sigma: 34.58)
## Number of observations: 100
## Number of parameters estimated: 6
## AIC: 242.39, (AIC for lm: 241.43)
## Hausman test: 1.8315, df: 4, p-value: 0.76671
and to present the by-covariate effects taking into account the unlagged (direct) and lagged (indirect) covariates and the sum of the coefficients (total):
## Impact measures (SDEM, estimable, n):
## Direct Indirect Total
## ft.NWBIR74 0.03532229 0.0009890218 0.03631131
## ========================================================
## Standard errors:
## Direct Indirect Total
## ft.NWBIR74 0.008114531 0.001590986 0.007277556
## ========================================================
## Z-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## ft.NWBIR74 4.352968 0.6216407 4.989493
## p-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## ft.NWBIR74 1.3431e-05 0.53418 6.0538e-07
However, our model may suffer from not using a mixed model approach to a count response; the simultaneous autoregressive models are mostly used with Gaussian responses. One possibility is to employ the hierarchical generalized linear model approach from the hglm package. First we’ll fit an unstructured IID (independent and identically distributed) random effect (Alam, Rönnegård, and Shen 2015):
E <- nc$BIR74 * sum(nc$SID74)/sum(nc$BIR74)
HGLM_iid <- hglm(fixed=SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, random= ~ 1|CRESS_ID, offset=log(E), weights=BIR74,
data=nc, family=poisson(link=log))
The random effects also have their own standard errors, so we can order and display them with error bars in a forest or caterpillar plot:
ranef_iid <- unname(summary(HGLM_iid, print.ranef=TRUE)$RandCoefMat)
metafor::forest(ranef_iid[,1], ranef_iid[,2], subset=order(ranef_iid[,1], decreasing=TRUE),
slab=NA, annotate=FALSE, lty=c("solid","blank"), pch=19, psize=2, cex.lab=1, cex.axis=1)
We can also fit a weighted Poisson simultaneous autoregressive model, and examine the random effects:
HGLM_sar <- hglm(fixed=SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, random= ~ 1|CRESS_ID, offset=log(E), weights=BIR74,
data=nc, family=poisson(link=log),
ranef_sar <- unname(summary(HGLM_sar, print.ranef=TRUE)$RandCoefMat)
metafor::forest(ranef_sar[,1], ranef_sar[,2], subset=order(ranef_sar[,1], decreasing=TRUE),
slab=NA, annotate=FALSE, lty=c("solid","blank"), pch=19, psize=2, cex.lab=1, cex.axis=1)
There is not much difference between the IID and the SAR spatially structured random effects:
nc$HGLM_re <- ranef_iid[,1]
nc$HGLM_ss_SAR <- ranef_sar[,1]
tm_shape(nc) + tm_fill(c("HGLM_re", "HGLM_ss_SAR"), midpoint=c(0), title="Poisson HGLM RE") +
tm_facets(free.scales=FALSE) + tm_layout(panel.labels=c("IID", "SAR SSRE"))
Most epidemiological applications use conditional autoregressive approaches, where some (like spautolm()
and the hglm()
implementations) fit a spatial coefficient, but many fit an intrinsic CAR. First the spautolm()
and the hglm()
m1c <- spautolm(ft.SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, weights=BIR74, data=nc, listw=nc_lw, family="CAR")
## Call: spautolm(formula = ft.SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, data = nc, listw = nc_lw,
## weights = BIR74, family = "CAR")
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.890805 -0.483471 0.070376 0.575906 2.824220
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) 1.4561763 0.2499558 5.8257 5.686e-09
## ft.NWBIR74 0.0410281 0.0069417 5.9103 3.414e-09
## Lambda: 0.06028 LR test value: 1.6364 p-value: 0.20082
## Numerical Hessian standard error of lambda: 0.053566
## Log likelihood: -119.7458
## ML residual variance (sigma squared): 1302, (sigma: 36.083)
## Number of observations: 100
## Number of parameters estimated: 4
## AIC: 247.49
Again, we can calculate something that represents the spatial patterning of the spatial process (termed “signal” in the documentation of spatialreg::predict.sarlm
), but it is not scaled in the same way as the hgml()
random effects (and importantly we do not have standard errors):
nc$CAR_ssre <- as.vector((m1c$lambda * nc_W) %*% m1c$Y -
(m1c$lambda * nc_W) %*% (m1c$X %*% m1c$fit$coefficients))
tm_shape(nc) + tm_fill(c("SAR_ssre", "CAR_ssre"), midpoint=c(0), title="Gauss ML RE") +
tm_facets(free.scales=FALSE) + tm_layout(panel.labels=c("SAR SSRE", "CAR SSRE"))
Fitting the HGLM CAR model is just like the SAR model, and the forest plot of the spatially structured random effect is similar. Recall that spautolm()
is fitting a Gaussian model, but hglm()
is fitting a Poisson model, arguably better suited to count data. This means that the scalings of the random effects will vary in scale:
HGLM_car <- hglm(fixed=SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, random= ~ 1|CRESS_ID, offset=log(E), weights=BIR74,
data=nc, family=poisson(link=log),
ranef_car <- unname(summary(HGLM_car, print.ranef=TRUE)$RandCoefMat)
metafor::forest(ranef_car[,1], ranef_car[,2], subset=order(ranef_car[,1], decreasing=TRUE),
slab=NA, annotate=FALSE, lty=c("solid","blank"), pch=19, psize=2, cex.lab=1, cex.axis=1)
nc$HGLM_ss_CAR <- ranef_car[,1]
tm_shape(nc) + tm_fill(c("HGLM_ss_CAR", "HGLM_ss_SAR"), midpoint=c(0), title="Poisson HGLM RE") +
tm_facets(free.scales=FALSE) + tm_layout(panel.labels=c("CAR SSRE", "SAR SSRE"))
To use a generalized additive mixed model (mgcv::gam()
with an "mrf"
random effect), and some other mixed models, the areal entities need to be grouped (done in the first exercise), and we can try a flexible fit on the covariate:
nc$LM <- as.numeric(interaction(nc$L_id, nc$M_id))
aggLM <- aggregate(nc[,"LM"], list(nc$LM), head, n=1)
aggnb <- spdep::poly2nb(aggLM)
names(aggnb) <- as.character(aggLM$Group.1)
nc$LM <- as.factor(nc$LM)
GAM_mrf <- gam(SID74 ~ s(ft.NWBIR74) + s(LM, bs="mrf", xt=list(nb=aggnb)), offset=log(E), weights=BIR74, data=nc, family=poisson(link=log))
And plot the covariate smooth term:
The forest plot is obviously grouped too:
GAM_mrf_re <- predict(GAM_mrf, type="terms", se=TRUE)
metafor::forest(GAM_mrf_re$fit[,2], GAM_mrf_re$[,2], subset=order(GAM_mrf_re$fit[,1], decreasing=TRUE),
slab=NA, annotate=FALSE, lty=c("solid","blank"), pch=19, psize=2, cex.lab=1, cex.axis=1)
as is the RE map:
nc$GAM_mrf_re <- GAM_mrf_re$fit[,2]
tm_shape(nc) + tm_fill(c("GAM_mrf_re"), midpoint=c(0), title="Poisson GAM MRF RE")
df_tracts <- st_read("df_tracts.gpkg")
## Reading layer `df_tracts' from data source
## `/home/rsb/und/uam21/units_2/df_tracts.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
## Simple feature collection with 71353 features and 28 fields
## Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: -124.7332 ymin: 24.5447 xmax: -66.9499 ymax: 49.38436
## Geodetic CRS: NAD83
tr_form <- log(med_inc_cv) ~ log1p(vacancy_rate) + log1p(old_rate) + log1p(black_rate) + log1p(hisp_rate) + log1p(group_pop) + log1p(dens)
df_tracts$ST <- factor(substring(df_tracts$GEOID, 1, 2))
GAM_RE <- gam(update(tr_form, . ~ . + s(ST, bs="re")), data=df_tracts)
## Family: gaussian
## Link function: identity
## Formula:
## log(med_inc_cv) ~ log1p(vacancy_rate) + log1p(old_rate) + log1p(black_rate) +
## log1p(hisp_rate) + log1p(group_pop) + log1p(dens) + s(ST,
## bs = "re")
## Parametric coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -6.410054 0.039241 -163.35 <2e-16 ***
## log1p(vacancy_rate) 0.356864 0.025239 14.14 <2e-16 ***
## log1p(old_rate) 0.426732 0.004054 105.27 <2e-16 ***
## log1p(black_rate) 0.434330 0.012156 35.73 <2e-16 ***
## log1p(hisp_rate) 0.515721 0.014432 35.73 <2e-16 ***
## log1p(group_pop) 0.024723 0.000792 31.21 <2e-16 ***
## log1p(dens) 0.045569 0.002023 22.53 <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Approximate significance of smooth terms:
## edf Ref.df F p-value
## s(ST) 46.79 48 49.96 <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## R-sq.(adj) = 0.255 Deviance explained = 25.5%
## GCV = 0.19839 Scale est. = 0.19824 n = 71353
states <- aggregate(df_tracts["ST"], list(df_tracts$ST), head, n=1)
nb_st <- spdep::poly2nb(states, row.names=as.character(states$ST))
names(nb_st) <- as.character(states$ST)
GAM_MRF <- gam(update(tr_form, . ~ . + s(ST, bs="mrf", k=49, xt=list(nb=nb_st))), data=df_tracts)
## Family: gaussian
## Link function: identity
## Formula:
## log(med_inc_cv) ~ log1p(vacancy_rate) + log1p(old_rate) + log1p(black_rate) +
## log1p(hisp_rate) + log1p(group_pop) + log1p(dens) + s(ST,
## bs = "mrf", k = 49, xt = list(nb = nb_st))
## Parametric coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -6.4018825 0.0356203 -179.73 <2e-16 ***
## log1p(vacancy_rate) 0.3572201 0.0252390 14.15 <2e-16 ***
## log1p(old_rate) 0.4270174 0.0040538 105.34 <2e-16 ***
## log1p(black_rate) 0.4318845 0.0121718 35.48 <2e-16 ***
## log1p(hisp_rate) 0.5151583 0.0144364 35.69 <2e-16 ***
## log1p(group_pop) 0.0247906 0.0007921 31.30 <2e-16 ***
## log1p(dens) 0.0456938 0.0020231 22.59 <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Approximate significance of smooth terms:
## edf Ref.df F p-value
## s(ST) 46.25 48 50.1 <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## R-sq.(adj) = 0.255 Deviance explained = 25.5%
## GCV = 0.19839 Scale est. = 0.19824 n = 71353
cat(capture.output(print(anova(GAM_RE, GAM_MRF, test="Chisq")))[c(1, 2, 9:11)], sep="\n")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance Pr(>Chi)
## 1 71298 14134
## 2 71298 14134 -0.081294 -0.11743 0.03742 *
The Beijing leased residential land parcels data set has been made available in the HSAR package. There are 1117 observed land parcels, grouped into 111 districts. The data are for most of the districts for which parcel price data was available for the 2003-2009 period; some isolated districs were also excluded.
The parcel data as provided are in two objects, a data.frame
and a SpatialPointsDataFrame
, which need to be merged and ordered by district ID (obs relate to the original parcel IDs):
landprice1 <- st_as_sf(landSPDF)
landprice1 <- merge(landprice1, landprice, by="obs")
landprice2 <- landprice1[order(landprice1$,]
Categorical variables, such as the year relating to the price, and the district ID, should be specified as factor
objects, to permit the creation of dummies on-the-fly:
landprice2$fyear <- factor(landprice2$year + 2003)
landprice2$ <- factor(landprice2$
Because formula
objects can include simple functions, such as log
of variables, we revert pre-computed logs:
landprice2$price <- exp(landprice2$lnprice)
landprice2$area <- exp(landprice2$lnarea)
landprice2$Dcbd <- exp(landprice2$lndcbd)
landprice2$Dsubway <- exp(landprice2$dsubway)
landprice2$Dpark <- exp(landprice2$dpark)
landprice2$Dele <- exp(landprice2$dele)
We use the weights specified in (G. Dong et al. 2015), an exponential decay function with a distance threshold of 1.5km; they are stored in a sparse listw
object. We need to set zero.policy
because seven parcels have no neighbours at this threshold:
dnb1.5 <- spdep::dnearneigh(landprice2, 0, 1500, row.names=row.names(landprice2))
dists <- spdep::nbdists(dnb1.5, st_coordinates(landprice2))
edists <- lapply(dists, function(x) exp((-((x/1000)^2))/(1.5^2)))
ozpo <- spdep::set.ZeroPolicyOption(TRUE)
ozpo1 <- set.ZeroPolicyOption(TRUE)
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(dnb1.5, glist=edists, style="W")
## Warning in spdep::nb2listw(dnb1.5, glist = edists, style = "W"): zero sum
## general weights
W <- as(lw, "CsparseMatrix")
trs <- trW(W, m=50)
For over twenty years, data.frame
and formula
objects have defined S and R syntax. Use of update methods allows flexibility and re-use; the data=
argument points to the object containing the named variables (columns):
form <- log(price) ~ log(area) + log(Dcbd) + log(Dele) + log(Dpark) + log(Dsubway) +
crimerate + popden + fyear
OLS <- lm(form, data=landprice2)
There are many standard methods for fitted model objects, especially print
and summary
methods, which are not shown here. Let’s use Moran’s \(I\) to test for residual spatial autocorrelation (and/or other mis-specifications):
spdep::lm.morantest(OLS, lw)
## Global Moran I for regression residuals
## data:
## model: lm(formula = form, data = landprice2)
## weights: lw
## Moran I statistic standard deviate = 15.1, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: greater
## sample estimates:
## Observed Moran I Expectation Variance
## 0.1944768641 -0.0054494313 0.0001753028
It makes sense to use the formula/data framework for functions fitting spatial econometrics models, such as SLX; we need a spatial weights listw
object, qualified by accepting parcels without neighbours:
SLX <- lmSLX(form, data=landprice2, listw=lw, zero.policy=TRUE)
The fitted object still inherits from lm
, so functions and methods expecting such an object will still work. There is still a lot of spatial autocorrelation in the residuals:
## [1] "SlX" "lm"
spdep::lm.morantest(SLX, lw)
## Global Moran I for regression residuals
## data:
## model: lm(formula = formula(paste("y ~ ", paste(colnames(x)[-1],
## collapse = "+"))), data =, weights = weights)
## weights: lw
## Moran I statistic standard deviate = 14.294, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: greater
## sample estimates:
## Observed Moran I Expectation Variance
## 0.1768367391 -0.0095750057 0.0001700666
The SLX model has come into focus recently because of its ease of estimation, and because the coefficients may be treated as direct and indirect impacts, with total impacts calculated by linear combination:
imps_SLX <- spatialreg::impacts(SLX)
## Impact measures (SlX, estimable):
## Direct Indirect Total
## log(area) -0.027393865 0.090812258 0.063418393
## log(Dcbd) -0.586485128 0.362485133 -0.223999995
## log(Dele) 0.017324132 -0.159256358 -0.141932226
## log(Dpark) -0.091259953 -0.212539298 -0.303799251
## log(Dsubway) -0.176849400 -0.146595779 -0.323445180
## crimerate 0.003700684 0.006267203 0.009967887
## popden 0.003018936 0.038261481 0.041280417
## fyear2004 -0.203603540 0.448210479 0.244606939
## fyear2005 -0.037845735 0.874443554 0.836597820
## fyear2006 -0.117303538 0.212143967 0.094840429
## fyear2007 0.689975245 -0.246715186 0.443260059
## fyear2008 0.465854623 -0.266940282 0.198914342
## fyear2009 2.203749162 0.406971450 2.610720612
The spatial error model (SEM) may be estimated by maximum likelihood (case weights may also be used), here using eigenvalues of the spatial weights to compute the Jacobian (R. S. Bivand, Hauke, and Kossowski 2013). The Hausman test (Pace and LeSage 2008) examines whether the SEM coefficients differ from OLS coefficients:
e <- eigenw(lw)
int <- 1/range(e)
SEM <- errorsarlm(form, data=landprice2, listw=lw, interval=int, control=list(pre_eig=e), zero.policy=TRUE)
## Spatial Hausman test (asymptotic)
## data: NULL
## Hausman test = 24.24, df = 14, p-value = 0.04285
The sphet package (Piras 2010) provides a wide range of model fitting options, terming the spatial coefficient on the error \(\rho\), rather than \(\lambda\), and the other way round for the lag coefficient on the dependent variable:
## Attaching package: 'sphet'
## The following object is masked from 'package:spatialreg':
## impacts
GM_SEM <- spreg(form, data=landprice2, listw=lw, model="error")
The spatial Durbin error model (SDEM), like SLX, adds the spatially lagged independent variables on the right hand side, and may be estimated by maximum likelihood:
SDEM <- errorsarlm(form, data=landprice2, listw=lw, etype="emixed",
interval=int, control=list(pre_eig=e), zero.policy=TRUE)
## Spatial Hausman test (asymptotic)
## data: NULL
## Hausman test = 12.872, df = 27, p-value = 0.99
SDEM impacts, like those for SLX, are calculated by linear combination:
imps_SDEM <- spatialreg::impacts(SDEM)
## Impact measures (SDEM, estimable):
## Direct Indirect Total
## log(area) -0.025312192 0.0899318945 0.064619702
## log(Dcbd) -0.588066018 0.3297094494 -0.258356569
## log(Dele) -0.002311491 -0.1215961308 -0.123907622
## log(Dpark) -0.081889383 -0.2187482979 -0.300637681
## log(Dsubway) -0.168100998 -0.1136152579 -0.281716256
## crimerate 0.006368131 -0.0007289118 0.005639219
## popden 0.004766271 0.0394667815 0.044233052
## fyear2004 -0.206852031 0.2244677181 0.017615687
## fyear2005 -0.047901500 0.5532040754 0.505302575
## fyear2006 -0.132401030 0.0290397225 -0.103361308
## fyear2007 0.693289819 -0.4672462567 0.226043562
## fyear2008 0.485618722 -0.1354646846 0.350154038
## fyear2009 2.299169404 0.7608231609 3.059992565
The spatial lag model (SAR) is estimated using lagsarlm
by maximum likelihood. There is also an LM test for residual autocorrelation:
SAR <- lagsarlm(form, data=landprice2, listw=lw, type="lag", interval=int, control=list(pre_eig=e), zero.policy=TRUE)
digits <- max(5, .Options$digits - 3)
cat("test value: ", format(signif(SAR$LMtest, digits)), ", p-value: ",
format.pval((1 - pchisq(SAR$LMtest, 1)), digits), "\n", sep="")
## test value: 58.514, p-value: 2.0206e-14
The impacts method for SAR (and SDM) fitted model objects uses simple samples from the multivariate distribution of the coefficients and their covariances for inferences, and uses traces of powers of the spatial weights:
spatialreg::impacts(SAR, tr=trs)
## Impact measures (lag, trace):
## Direct Indirect Total
## log(area) -0.005066435 -0.002046688 -0.007113123
## log(Dcbd) -0.167881960 -0.067819272 -0.235701232
## log(Dele) -0.048279743 -0.019503567 -0.067783310
## log(Dpark) -0.211249350 -0.085338395 -0.296587745
## log(Dsubway) -0.173562177 -0.070113909 -0.243676085
## crimerate 0.004947226 0.001998531 0.006945756
## popden 0.024700110 0.009978103 0.034678213
## fyear2004 -0.186140380 -0.075195125 -0.261335505
## fyear2005 -0.027768036 -0.011217453 -0.038985489
## fyear2006 -0.088974266 -0.035942933 -0.124917199
## fyear2007 0.540520655 0.218354118 0.758874773
## fyear2008 0.400969047 0.161979458 0.562948504
## fyear2009 2.266803638 0.915720619 3.182524258
The sphet package (Piras 2010) provides a number of ways of fitting this model, calling the coefficient \(\lambda\):
GM_SAR <- spreg(form, data=landprice2, listw=lw, model="lag")
impacts(GM_SAR, tr=trs)
## Impact measures (lag, trace):
## Direct Indirect Total
## log(area) -0.006564801 -0.001187541 -0.007752342
## log(Dcbd) -0.206668996 -0.037385428 -0.244054424
## log(Dele) -0.065824134 -0.011907269 -0.077731403
## log(Dpark) -0.245355267 -0.044383589 -0.289738855
## log(Dsubway) -0.207332309 -0.037505418 -0.244837727
## crimerate 0.006224452 0.001125974 0.007350426
## popden 0.028487010 0.005153163 0.033640173
## fyear2004 -0.175330948 -0.031716526 -0.207047473
## fyear2005 -0.006132623 -0.001109362 -0.007241984
## fyear2006 -0.103596189 -0.018740053 -0.122336241
## fyear2007 0.544118927 0.098428499 0.642547426
## fyear2008 0.397535116 0.071912192 0.469447308
## fyear2009 2.187572906 0.395721425 2.583294332
As with the SLX and SDEM models, the lags of the independent variables are made automatically (this needs revisiting for SLX and SDEM to permit different and possibly multiple matrices to be used):
SDM <- lagsarlm(form, data=landprice2, listw=lw, type="mixed", interval=int, control=list(pre_eig=e), zero.policy=TRUE)
digits <- max(5, .Options$digits - 3)
cat("test value: ", format(signif(SDM$LMtest, digits)), ", p-value: ",
format.pval((1 - pchisq(SDM$LMtest, 1)), digits), "\n", sep="")
## test value: 0.17127, p-value: 0.67898
We can use Likelihood ratio tests between nesting models
cat(capture.output(LR.Sarlm(SAR, SDM))[c(7,8,5)], sep="\n")
## Log likelihood of SAR Log likelihood of SDM
## -1334.149 -1296.823
## Likelihood ratio = -74.652, df = 13, p-value = 1.105e-10
cat(capture.output(LR.Sarlm(SEM, SDM))[c(7,8,5)], sep="\n")
## Log likelihood of SEM Log likelihood of SDM
## -1309.654 -1296.823
## Likelihood ratio = -25.661, df = 13, p-value = 0.01887
cat(capture.output(LR.Sarlm(SEM, SDEM))[c(7,8,5)], sep="\n")
## Log likelihood of SEM Log likelihood of SDEM
## -1309.654 -1296.305
## Likelihood ratio = -26.697, df = 13, p-value = 0.01369
cat(capture.output(LR.Sarlm(SLX, SDM))[c(7,8,5)], sep="\n")
## Log likelihood of SLX Log likelihood of SDM
## -1349.730 -1296.823
## Likelihood ratio = -105.81, df = 1, p-value < 2.2e-16
cat(capture.output(LR.Sarlm(SLX, SDEM))[c(7,8,5)], sep="\n")
## Log likelihood of SLX Log likelihood of SDEM
## -1349.730 -1296.305
## Likelihood ratio = -106.85, df = 1, p-value < 2.2e-16
Here we’ll take samples to use later:
imps <- spatialreg::impacts(SDM, tr=trs, R=2000)
## Impact measures (mixed, trace):
## Direct Indirect Total
## log(area) -0.023812364 0.113019489 0.089207125
## log(Dcbd) -0.025324844 -0.252607004 -0.277931848
## log(Dele) 0.015649846 -0.158102250 -0.142452404
## log(Dpark) -0.023813315 -0.298648573 -0.322461888
## log(Dsubway) -0.154160382 -0.156320343 -0.310480725
## crimerate 0.005102878 0.002823557 0.007926435
## popden 0.005447242 0.044886407 0.050333649
## fyear2004 -0.200503511 0.424641128 0.224137618
## fyear2005 -0.040082358 0.882319752 0.842237393
## fyear2006 -0.121239177 0.222404995 0.101165817
## fyear2007 0.708046770 -0.306736303 0.401310467
## fyear2008 0.460894440 -0.268754916 0.192139524
## fyear2009 2.266709634 1.070861985 3.337571619
Let’s also explore the impacts of the log(area) variable the manual way; the direct impact is the same, the total differs very slightly:
IrW1 <- spdep::invIrW(lw, rho=coef(SDM)[1])
n <- nrow(landprice2)
S_area <- IrW1 %*% ((diag(n) * coef(SDM)[3]) + (coef(SDM)[16] * W))
## [1] 0.08847212
## [1] -0.02381236
If we make a prediction (using GSoC 2015 code by Martin Gubri based on (Goulard, Laurent, and Thomas-Agnan 2017)) from the fitted model, increment area, and make a new prediction, the mean difference is the total impact:
newdata <- landprice2
suppressWarnings(p0 <- predict(SDM, newdata=newdata, listw=lw))
newdata$area <- exp(log(newdata$area)+1)
suppressWarnings(p1 <- predict(SDM, newdata=newdata, listw=lw))
## [1] 0.08847212
Following GSoC 2011, parts of the Spatial Econometrics toolbox were translated into R, with default 2500 draws and 500 omitted as burnin:
BSDM <- spBreg_lag(form, data=landprice2, listw=lw, type="Durbin")
As we already have the draws, we do not need to sample again to be able to infer:
impsB <- spatialreg::impacts(BSDM, tr=trs)
## Impact measures (mixed, trace):
## Direct Indirect Total
## log(area) -0.023152974 0.113307132 0.090154158
## log(Dcbd) -0.032380034 -0.246041656 -0.278421690
## log(Dele) 0.015984059 -0.158467681 -0.142483622
## log(Dpark) -0.024342363 -0.300567009 -0.324909372
## log(Dsubway) -0.152068596 -0.155639100 -0.307707697
## crimerate 0.005035336 0.002922671 0.007958007
## popden 0.005458656 0.044656804 0.050115460
## fyear2004 -0.200777988 0.425261787 0.224483799
## fyear2005 -0.038432141 0.897514140 0.859081998
## fyear2006 -0.122970442 0.228386762 0.105416320
## fyear2007 0.706575015 -0.303635058 0.402939957
## fyear2008 0.466039811 -0.284447551 0.181592260
## fyear2009 2.265015077 1.070339228 3.335354305
plot(density(impsB$sres$total[,1]), lty=4, col="orange", main="log(area) total impacts", ylim=c(0, 10))
lines(density(imps$sres$total[,1]), lty=3, col="red")
abline(v=imps$res$total[1], lty=3, col="red")
abline(v=impsB$res$total[1], lty=4, col="orange")
abline(v=mean(p1-p0), lty=2, col="blue")
abline(v=imps_SLX$impacts$total[1], lwd=2, col="green")
curve(dnorm(x, mean=imps_SLX$impacts$total[1], sd=imps_SLX$se$total[1]), col="green", lwd=2, add=TRUE, from=-0.2, to=0.4)
legend("topleft", legend=c("BSDM", "SDM (tr)", "SDM (pred)", "SLX"), lty=c(4,3,2,1), col=c("orange", "red", "blue", "green"), lwd=c(1,1,1,2), bty="n", cex=0.8)
Here we show the sampled distributions from the fitted ML model, the MCMC total impacts (red and orange dotted lines), the blue point total impact from prediction difference, and the point estimate and implied distrubution from the SLX model (in green).
The GNM is a SAC (both lag and error coefficients, aka SARAR) with spatially lagged independent variables. It suffers from the same problems as all SARAR - a tendency for the two coefficients to flip
GNM <- sacsarlm(form, data=landprice2, listw=lw, type="sacmixed", interval1=int, interval2=int,
control=list(pre_eig1=e, pre_eig2=e), zero.policy=TRUE)
SAC and GNS fitted models also need impacts computed:
spatialreg::impacts(GNM, tr=trs)
## Impact measures (sacmixed, trace):
## Direct Indirect Total
## log(area) -0.024993063 0.0926036289 0.067610566
## log(Dcbd) -0.500457644 0.2378651652 -0.262592479
## log(Dele) -0.001220104 -0.1261306225 -0.127350726
## log(Dpark) -0.071096460 -0.2332392492 -0.304335709
## log(Dsubway) -0.166025683 -0.1191637251 -0.285189408
## crimerate 0.006327946 -0.0002760188 0.006051927
## popden 0.004718665 0.0403153345 0.045034000
## fyear2004 -0.204446287 0.2477368775 0.043290590
## fyear2005 -0.044550665 0.5929889181 0.548438253
## fyear2006 -0.130205529 0.0431112527 -0.087094276
## fyear2007 0.697252303 -0.4543278450 0.242924458
## fyear2008 0.482625151 -0.1600300739 0.322595077
## fyear2009 2.293721029 0.8036967234 3.097417752
cat(capture.output(LR.Sarlm(SDM, GNM))[c(7,8,5)], sep="\n")
## Log likelihood of SDM Log likelihood of GNM
## -1296.823 -1296.248
## Likelihood ratio = -1.1504, df = 1, p-value = 0.2835
cat(capture.output(LR.Sarlm(SDEM, GNM))[c(7,8,5)], sep="\n")
## Log likelihood of SDEM Log likelihood of GNM
## -1296.305 -1296.248
## Likelihood ratio = -0.1148, df = 1, p-value = 0.7347
# install INLA
# install.packages("INLA", repos="")
## Loading required package: foreach
## Loading required package: parallel
## This is INLA_21.03.21 built 2021-03-20 18:00:18 UTC.
## - See for how to get help.
## - To enable PARDISO sparse library; see inla.pardiso()
## Attaching package: 'INLA'
## The following object is masked _by_ '.GlobalEnv':
## f
data(oldcol, package="spdep")
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W")
ev <- eigenw(similar.listw(lw))
W <- spdep::listw2mat(lw)
sW <- as(lw, "CsparseMatrix")
tr <- trW(sW)
m.form <- CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL
COL.OLD$idx <- 1:nrow(COL.OLD)
titer <- 2000L
nomit <- 1000L
niter <- titer - nomit
thin <- 1L
coefficients(lmSLX(m.form, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw))
## (Intercept) INC HOVAL lag.INC lag.HOVAL
## 75.0287479 -1.1089293 -0.2897283 -1.3709725 0.1917608
coefficients(lm(dm.form, data=COL.OLD))
## 75.0287479 -1.1089293 -0.2897283 -1.3709725 0.1917608
suppressWarnings(sem.hglm <- hglm(fixed=m.form, random= ~ 1 | I(as.factor(idx)),
data=COL.OLD,, sparse=TRUE, verbose=FALSE))
## Call:
## hglm.formula( = SAR(D = sW), fixed = m.form, random = ~1 |
## I(as.factor(idx)), data = COL.OLD, sparse = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
## ----------
## ----------
## Summary of the fixed effects estimates:
## Estimate Std. Error t-value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 62.50869 6.21608 10.056 6.99e-07 ***
## INC -0.93132 0.33604 -2.771 0.01818 *
## HOVAL -0.31695 0.09674 -3.276 0.00738 **
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Note: P-values are based on 11 degrees of freedom
## Summary of the random effects estimates:
## Estimate Std. Error
## [1,] -9.8292 32.5390
## [2,] -12.7254 5.7258
## [3,] -1.8897 7.0867
## ...
## NOTE: to show all the random effects, use print(summary(hglm.object), print.ranef = TRUE).
## ----------------
## ----------------
## NOTE: h-likelihood estimates through EQL can be biased.
## Dispersion parameter for the mean model:
## [1] 22.30184
## Model estimates for the dispersion term:
## Link = log
## Effects:
## Estimate Std. Error
## 3.1047 0.4182
## Dispersion = 1 is used in Gamma model on deviances to calculate the standard error(s).
## Dispersion parameter for the random effects:
## [1] 1.119
## Dispersion model for the random effects:
## Link = log
## Effects:
## .|Random1
## Estimate Std. Error
## 1/sqrt(SAR.tau) 0.1120 0.0144
## -SAR.rho/sqrt(SAR.tau) -0.0813 0.0202
## SAR.tau (estimated spatial variance component): 79.67263
## SAR.rho (estimated spatial correlation): 0.7254112
## Dispersion = 1 is used in Gamma model on deviances to calculate the standard error(s).
## EQL estimation converged in 49 iterations. <- errorsarlm(m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw=lw, control=list(pre_eig=ev))
## Call:
## errorsarlm(formula = m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw = lw, control = list(pre_eig = ev))
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -34.81174 -6.44031 -0.72142 7.61476 23.33626
## Type: error
## Coefficients: (asymptotic standard errors)
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) 59.893219 5.366163 11.1613 < 2.2e-16
## INC -0.941312 0.330569 -2.8476 0.0044057
## HOVAL -0.302250 0.090476 -3.3407 0.0008358
## Lambda: 0.56179, LR test value: 7.9935, p-value: 0.0046945
## Asymptotic standard error: 0.13387
## z-value: 4.1966, p-value: 2.7098e-05
## Wald statistic: 17.611, p-value: 2.7098e-05
## Log likelihood: -183.3805 for error model
## ML residual variance (sigma squared): 95.575, (sigma: 9.7762)
## Number of observations: 49
## Number of parameters estimated: 5
## AIC: 376.76, (AIC for lm: 382.75)
sem.SET0 <- spBreg_err(m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw=lw,
control=list(ndraw=titer, nomit=nomit, prior=list(gG_sige=TRUE)))
## Iterations = 1001:2000
## Thinning interval = 1
## Number of chains = 1
## Sample size per chain = 1000
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
## plus standard error of the mean:
## Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
## (Intercept) 59.9029 7.8101 0.246976 0.246976
## INC -0.9603 0.4056 0.012825 0.012825
## HOVAL -0.2986 0.1006 0.003183 0.003331
## lambda 0.5605 0.1612 0.005098 0.004919
## sige 115.2855 26.3540 0.833387 0.833387
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
## 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
## (Intercept) 43.2633 55.8237 60.3718 64.7648 72.7576
## INC -1.7571 -1.2347 -0.9665 -0.6827 -0.1898
## HOVAL -0.4905 -0.3662 -0.3005 -0.2312 -0.1091
## lambda 0.2206 0.4635 0.5648 0.6783 0.8450
## sige 75.5521 96.2848 111.2165 129.9818 177.1121
raftery.diag(sem.SET0, r=0.01)
## Quantile (q) = 0.025
## Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.01
## Probability (s) = 0.95
## Burn-in Total Lower bound Dependence
## (M) (N) (Nmin) factor (I)
## (Intercept) 2 969 937 1.030
## INC 2 893 937 0.953
## HOVAL 2 893 937 0.953
## lambda 3 1085 937 1.160
## sige 2 893 937 0.953
## Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
## Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
## (Intercept) INC HOVAL lambda sige
## -0.2797 -0.4941 1.0452 0.6519 -0.3323
sem.SET1 <- spBreg_err(m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw=lw,
control=list(ndraw=titer, nomit=nomit, prior=list(gG_sige=FALSE)))
## Iterations = 1001:2000
## Thinning interval = 1
## Number of chains = 1
## Sample size per chain = 1000
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
## plus standard error of the mean:
## Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
## (Intercept) 59.6538 7.90206 0.249885 0.249885
## INC -0.9532 0.41157 0.013015 0.013015
## HOVAL -0.3043 0.09713 0.003071 0.003071
## lambda 0.5632 0.15631 0.004943 0.004943
## sige 115.8606 27.20206 0.860205 0.905463
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
## 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
## (Intercept) 45.3150 55.2312 59.7313 64.4779 74.1728
## INC -1.7881 -1.2171 -0.9587 -0.6703 -0.1757
## HOVAL -0.4848 -0.3713 -0.3086 -0.2372 -0.1206
## lambda 0.2116 0.4697 0.5778 0.6638 0.8242
## sige 75.1591 96.7529 111.2610 130.0492 182.6293
raftery.diag(sem.SET1, r=0.01)
## Quantile (q) = 0.025
## Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.01
## Probability (s) = 0.95
## Burn-in Total Lower bound Dependence
## (M) (N) (Nmin) factor (I)
## (Intercept) 2 893 937 0.953
## INC 3 1053 937 1.120
## HOVAL 2 969 937 1.030
## lambda 2 893 937 0.953
## sige 2 893 937 0.953
## Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
## Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
## (Intercept) INC HOVAL lambda sige
## -0.4078 0.4890 -0.4346 1.1084 0.2870
sem.SET2 <- spBreg_err(m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw=lw,
control=list(ndraw=titer, nomit=nomit, prior=list(lambdaMH=TRUE)))
## Iterations = 1001:2000
## Thinning interval = 1
## Number of chains = 1
## Sample size per chain = 1000
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
## plus standard error of the mean:
## Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
## (Intercept) 59.5043 7.65026 0.241922 0.303818
## INC -0.9236 0.38659 0.012225 0.017650
## HOVAL -0.2978 0.09687 0.003063 0.003063
## lambda 0.6117 0.15043 0.004757 0.013109
## sige 116.4182 26.03271 0.823226 0.969403
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
## 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
## (Intercept) 44.0357 54.7416 59.6063 64.3279 72.9460
## INC -1.6562 -1.1765 -0.9255 -0.6643 -0.1867
## HOVAL -0.4915 -0.3636 -0.3001 -0.2315 -0.1209
## lambda 0.2747 0.5170 0.6214 0.7162 0.8613
## sige 77.1463 98.2394 113.3085 130.2738 177.5965
raftery.diag(sem.SET2, r=0.01)
## Quantile (q) = 0.025
## Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.01
## Probability (s) = 0.95
## Burn-in Total Lower bound Dependence
## (M) (N) (Nmin) factor (I)
## (Intercept) 2 969 937 1.030
## INC 3 1053 937 1.120
## HOVAL 2 893 937 0.953
## lambda 19 5210 937 5.560
## sige 2 969 937 1.030
## Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
## Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
## (Intercept) INC HOVAL lambda sige
## -1.1270 0.9452 -0.1921 0.8126 0.1992
n <- nrow(COL.OLD)
rho.max <- 1/max(Re(ev))
rho.min <- 1/min(Re(ev))
rho <- mean(c(rho.min, rho.max))
zero.variance = list(prec=list(initial = 25, fixed=TRUE))
args.slm <- list(rho.min = rho.min, rho.max = rho.max, W = sW,
X = matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=0), Q.beta = matrix(1,0,0))
hyper.slm <- list(prec = list(prior = "loggamma", param = c(0.01, 0.01)),
rho = list(initial=rho, prior = "logitbeta", param = c(1,1)))
system.time(sem.inla_slm <- inla(update(m.form, . ~ . + f(idx, model="slm",
args.slm=args.slm, hyper=hyper.slm)), data = COL.OLD,
family="gaussian", = list(hyper=zero.variance),
control.compute=list(dic=TRUE, cpo=TRUE)))
## Warning in, mm[names(mm) == : Model 'slm' in section 'latent' is marked as 'experimental'; changes may appear at any time.
## Use this model with extra care!!! Further warnings are disabled.
## Call:
## c("inla(formula = update(m.form, . ~ . + f(idx, model = \"slm\",
## args.slm = args.slm, ", " hyper = hyper.slm)), family = \"gaussian\",
## data = COL.OLD, ", " control.compute = list(dic = TRUE, cpo = TRUE),
## = list(hyper = zero.variance))" )
## Time used:
## Pre = 0.381, Running = 1.76, Post = 0.0564, Total = 2.2
## Fixed effects:
## mean sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant mode kld
## (Intercept) 59.728 6.590 46.094 59.951 72.081 60.367 0
## INC -0.937 0.383 -1.704 -0.933 -0.194 -0.923 0
## HOVAL -0.301 0.095 -0.489 -0.301 -0.114 -0.302 0
## Random effects:
## Name Model
## idx SLM model
## Model hyperparameters:
## mean sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant mode
## Precision for idx 0.007 0.001 0.006 0.007 0.009 0.007
## Rho for idx 0.857 0.024 0.804 0.859 0.897 0.865
## Expected number of effective parameters(stdev): 49.00(0.00)
## Number of equivalent replicates : 1.00
## Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) ...............: -1036.71
## Deviance Information Criterion (DIC, saturated) ....: 2405.91
## Effective number of parameters .....................: 48.91
## Marginal log-Likelihood: -201.63
## CPO and PIT are computed
## Posterior marginals for the linear predictor and
## the fitted values are computed
ff<- function(z){z*(rho.max-rho.min)+rho.min}
semmarg <- inla.tmarginal(ff, sem.inla_slm$marginals.hyperpar[[2]])
c(mean=mean(semmarg[, "x"]), se=sd(semmarg[, "x"]))
## mean se
## 0.6370825 0.0604782
## sem_ml_coefs sem_hglm_coefs sem_SET0_coefs sem_SET1_coefs
## (Intercept) 59.89321925 62.50869055 59.9028705 59.65378219
## 5.36616252 6.21608063 7.8100691 7.90205803
## INC -0.94131196 -0.93132065 -0.9603383 -0.95319851
## 0.33056857 0.33603590 0.4055770 0.41156824
## HOVAL -0.30225021 -0.31694784 -0.2985639 -0.30430968
## 0.09047605 0.09674369 0.1006416 0.09712605
## lambda 0.56179027 0.72541120 0.5604982 0.56322161
## 0.13386868 NA 0.1612004 0.15630614
## s2 95.57450122 NA 115.2854888 115.86057419
## NA NA 26.3540030 27.20206056
## sem_SET2_coefs sem_inla_slm_coefs
## (Intercept) 59.50429031 59.7280000
## 7.65025719 6.5900000
## INC -0.92357879 -0.9370000
## 0.38659093 0.3830000
## HOVAL -0.29777749 -0.3010000
## 0.09687372 0.0950000
## lambda 0.61168224 0.6370825
## 0.15043207 0.0604782
## s2 116.41819083 NA
## 26.03270594 NA <- errorsarlm(m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw=lw, Durbin=TRUE,
## Call:errorsarlm(formula = m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw = lw, Durbin = TRUE,
## control = list(pre_eig = ev))
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -37.31635 -6.54376 -0.22212 6.44591 23.15801
## Type: error
## Coefficients: (asymptotic standard errors)
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) 73.545133 8.783543 8.3731 < 2.2e-16
## INC -1.051673 0.319514 -3.2915 0.0009966
## HOVAL -0.275608 0.091151 -3.0236 0.0024976
## lag.INC -1.156711 0.578629 -1.9991 0.0456024
## lag.HOVAL 0.111691 0.198993 0.5613 0.5746048
## Lambda: 0.4254, LR test value: 4.9871, p-value: 0.025537
## Asymptotic standard error: 0.15842
## z-value: 2.6852, p-value: 0.0072485
## Wald statistic: 7.2103, p-value: 0.0072485
## Log likelihood: -181.5846 for error model
## ML residual variance (sigma squared): 92.531, (sigma: 9.6193)
## Number of observations: 49
## Number of parameters estimated: 7
## AIC: 377.17, (AIC for lm: 380.16)
sdem.ml_imps <- summary(spatialreg::impacts(, zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
a1 <- expand.grid(colnames(sdem.ml_imps$mat), rownames(sdem.ml_imps$mat))
imp_nms <- c(t(cbind(paste(as.character(a1$Var1), as.character(a1$Var2), sep="_"),
c(" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "))))
## Impact measures (SDEM, estimable, n):
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -1.0516727 -1.1567109 -2.2083836
## HOVAL -0.2756084 0.1116912 -0.1639172
## ========================================================
## Standard errors:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.31951388 0.5786287 0.6478636
## HOVAL 0.09115142 0.1989927 0.2346288
## ========================================================
## Z-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -3.291477 -1.9990554 -3.4087171
## HOVAL -3.023633 0.5612828 -0.6986236
## p-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.00099663 0.045602 0.00065269
## HOVAL 0.00249759 0.574605 0.48478731
system.time(sdem.SET0 <- spBreg_err(m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw=lw,
Durbin=TRUE, control=list(ndraw=titer, nomit=nomit,
## user system elapsed
## 1.006 0.000 1.027
## Iterations = 1001:2000
## Thinning interval = 1
## Number of chains = 1
## Sample size per chain = 1000
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
## plus standard error of the mean:
## Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
## (Intercept) 72.4409 11.2962 0.357217 0.374313
## INC -1.0224 0.3781 0.011956 0.011956
## HOVAL -0.2780 0.1019 0.003221 0.003221
## lag.INC -1.0891 0.7170 0.022675 0.022675
## lag.HOVAL 0.1041 0.2391 0.007561 0.007912
## lambda 0.4874 0.1684 0.005325 0.005325
## sige 113.7969 27.2639 0.862160 0.918867
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
## 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
## (Intercept) 48.3612 65.61389 72.8401 79.9463 93.99314
## INC -1.7647 -1.27619 -1.0295 -0.7651 -0.24937
## HOVAL -0.4921 -0.34357 -0.2725 -0.2116 -0.07964
## lag.INC -2.4666 -1.55715 -1.1134 -0.6252 0.45690
## lag.HOVAL -0.3985 -0.04706 0.1098 0.2616 0.56673
## lambda 0.1256 0.38469 0.4877 0.6051 0.79302
## sige 73.5526 94.74318 109.5550 128.0236 176.57728
sdem.SET0_imps <- summary(spatialreg::impacts(sdem.SET0), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
## Impact measures (SDEM, MCMC, n):
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -1.0223705 -1.0890699 -2.1114404
## HOVAL -0.2779983 0.1040978 -0.1739005
## ========================================================
## Standard errors:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.35828605 0.6794660 0.8193536
## HOVAL 0.09652069 0.2265788 0.2711647
## ========================================================
## Z-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -2.853504 -1.6028320 -2.5769587
## HOVAL -2.880194 0.4594332 -0.6413096
## p-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.0043240 0.10897 0.0099674
## HOVAL 0.0039743 0.64592 0.5213216
raftery.diag(sdem.SET0, r=0.01)
## Quantile (q) = 0.025
## Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.01
## Probability (s) = 0.95
## Burn-in Total Lower bound Dependence
## (M) (N) (Nmin) factor (I)
## (Intercept) 2 893 937 0.953
## INC 3 1053 937 1.120
## HOVAL 2 893 937 0.953
## lag.INC 2 893 937 0.953
## lag.HOVAL 3 1053 937 1.120
## lambda 2 1001 937 1.070
## sige 2 893 937 0.953
## Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
## Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
## (Intercept) INC HOVAL lag.INC lag.HOVAL lambda
## 0.12084 1.66094 -0.59641 0.74880 -1.27506 0.56032
## sige
## 0.04769
sdem.SET1 <- spBreg_err(m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw=lw, Durbin=TRUE,
control=list(ndraw=titer, nomit=nomit, prior=list(gG_sige=FALSE)))
## Iterations = 1001:2000
## Thinning interval = 1
## Number of chains = 1
## Sample size per chain = 1000
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
## plus standard error of the mean:
## Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
## (Intercept) 72.3496 11.1308 0.351986 0.351986
## INC -1.0174 0.3734 0.011807 0.012417
## HOVAL -0.2759 0.1053 0.003331 0.003331
## lag.INC -1.0896 0.6963 0.022020 0.022020
## lag.HOVAL 0.1020 0.2229 0.007047 0.007047
## lambda 0.4775 0.1771 0.005602 0.005602
## sige 114.3977 26.5740 0.840343 0.881735
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
## 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
## (Intercept) 49.47217 65.41648 72.8738 79.2084 94.19839
## INC -1.78985 -1.26050 -1.0239 -0.7681 -0.28767
## HOVAL -0.47861 -0.34447 -0.2760 -0.2046 -0.08333
## lag.INC -2.41127 -1.53507 -1.1196 -0.6472 0.26917
## lag.HOVAL -0.32887 -0.04414 0.1048 0.2425 0.52867
## lambda 0.09642 0.35368 0.4867 0.6006 0.79790
## sige 74.66299 95.37983 110.6347 129.0282 178.51192
sdem.SET1_imps <- summary(spatialreg::impacts(sdem.SET1), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
## Impact measures (SDEM, MCMC, n):
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -1.0174315 -1.089617 -2.1070486
## HOVAL -0.2759088 0.102023 -0.1738858
## ========================================================
## Standard errors:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.35380380 0.6598422 0.7835618
## HOVAL 0.09982179 0.2111832 0.2546694
## ========================================================
## Z-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -2.875694 -1.651330 -2.6890649
## HOVAL -2.764014 0.483102 -0.6827905
## p-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.0040314 0.098671 0.0071652
## HOVAL 0.0057095 0.629023 0.4947393
raftery.diag(sdem.SET1, r=0.01)
## Quantile (q) = 0.025
## Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.01
## Probability (s) = 0.95
## Burn-in Total Lower bound Dependence
## (M) (N) (Nmin) factor (I)
## (Intercept) 2 893 937 0.953
## INC 3 1053 937 1.120
## HOVAL 2 893 937 0.953
## lag.INC 2 893 937 0.953
## lag.HOVAL 2 893 937 0.953
## lambda 2 969 937 1.030
## sige 3 1053 937 1.120
## Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
## Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
## (Intercept) INC HOVAL lag.INC lag.HOVAL lambda
## 0.04962 0.53485 -0.22905 2.31710 -2.31338 1.32696
## sige
## 1.29281
sdem.SET2 <- spBreg_err(m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw=lw, Durbin=TRUE,
control=list(ndraw=titer, nomit=nomit, prior=list(lambdaMH=TRUE)))
## Iterations = 1001:2000
## Thinning interval = 1
## Number of chains = 1
## Sample size per chain = 1000
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
## plus standard error of the mean:
## Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
## (Intercept) 72.43159 13.5994 0.430049 0.430049
## INC -0.98092 0.3920 0.012397 0.013547
## HOVAL -0.27869 0.1093 0.003455 0.003455
## lag.INC -1.00347 0.7964 0.025186 0.027151
## lag.HOVAL 0.05652 0.2513 0.007947 0.007947
## lambda 0.57931 0.1730 0.005472 0.013492
## sige 117.46819 28.5541 0.902961 1.061350
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
## 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
## (Intercept) 43.4749 65.2508 73.14647 81.0387 96.4330
## INC -1.7125 -1.2489 -1.00162 -0.7413 -0.1589
## HOVAL -0.4855 -0.3506 -0.27507 -0.2058 -0.0638
## lag.INC -2.5516 -1.5054 -1.03322 -0.5135 0.7180
## lag.HOVAL -0.4473 -0.1027 0.06309 0.2170 0.5469
## lambda 0.2264 0.4590 0.58358 0.7136 0.8937
## sige 73.7221 97.6762 113.07939 133.0273 184.7009
sdem.SET2_imps <- summary(spatialreg::impacts(sdem.SET2), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
## Impact measures (SDEM, MCMC, n):
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -0.9809190 -1.00346727 -1.9843863
## HOVAL -0.2786857 0.05651804 -0.2221677
## ========================================================
## Standard errors:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.3714824 0.7547214 0.9285267
## HOVAL 0.1035426 0.2381483 0.2929530
## ========================================================
## Z-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -2.640553 -1.3295863 -2.137134
## HOVAL -2.691509 0.2373229 -0.758373
## p-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.0082771 0.18365 0.032587
## HOVAL 0.0071130 0.81241 0.448228
raftery.diag(sdem.SET2, r=0.01)
## Quantile (q) = 0.025
## Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.01
## Probability (s) = 0.95
## Burn-in Total Lower bound Dependence
## (M) (N) (Nmin) factor (I)
## (Intercept) 2 969 937 1.030
## INC 2 893 937 0.953
## HOVAL 3 1053 937 1.120
## lag.INC 2 893 937 0.953
## lag.HOVAL 2 893 937 0.953
## lambda 13 3523 937 3.760
## sige 2 969 937 1.030
## Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
## Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
## (Intercept) INC HOVAL lag.INC lag.HOVAL lambda
## -0.78451 -0.94483 2.01672 -0.37017 0.64247 -0.08677
## sige
## -0.23734
lc1 <- with(COL.OLD, inla.make.lincomb(INC=+1, LAG_INC=+1))
names(lc1) <- "TOT_INC"
lc2 <- with(COL.OLD, inla.make.lincomb(HOVAL=+1, LAG_HOVAL=+1))
names(lc2) <- "TOT_HOVAL"
system.time(sdem.inla_slm <- inla(update(dm.form, . ~ . + f(idx, model="slm",
args.slm=args.slm, hyper=hyper.slm)), data = COL.OLD,
lincomb = c(lc1, lc2),
family="gaussian", = list(hyper=zero.variance),
control.compute=list(dic=TRUE, cpo=TRUE, config=TRUE)))
## Call:
## c("inla(formula = update(dm.form, . ~ . + f(idx, model = \"slm\", ", "
## args.slm = args.slm, hyper = hyper.slm)), family = \"gaussian\", ", "
## data = COL.OLD, lincomb = c(lc1, lc2), control.compute = list(dic =
## TRUE, ", " cpo = TRUE, config = TRUE), = list(hyper =
## zero.variance))" )
## Time used:
## Pre = 0.356, Running = 3.74, Post = 1.35, Total = 5.45
## Fixed effects:
## mean sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant mode kld
## (Intercept) 66.554 21.511 23.942 66.631 108.677 66.740 0.002
## INC -0.831 0.437 -1.691 -0.832 0.029 -0.832 0.000
## HOVAL -0.298 0.120 -0.535 -0.298 -0.061 -0.298 0.000
## LAG_INC -0.558 1.011 -2.543 -0.559 1.434 -0.560 0.000
## LAG_HOVAL -0.012 0.279 -0.561 -0.012 0.536 -0.012 0.000
## Linear combinations (derived):
## ID mean sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant mode kld
## TOT_INC 1 -1.389 1.314 -3.969 -1.391 1.203 -1.394 0
## TOT_HOVAL 2 -0.310 0.364 -1.028 -0.310 0.406 -0.310 0
## Random effects:
## Name Model
## idx SLM model
## Model hyperparameters:
## mean sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant mode
## Precision for idx 0.008 0.002 0.005 0.009 0.011 0.009
## Rho for idx 0.986 0.002 0.982 0.986 0.988 0.987
## Expected number of effective parameters(stdev): 49.00(0.00)
## Number of equivalent replicates : 1.00
## Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) ...............: -1036.71
## Deviance Information Criterion (DIC, saturated) ....: 2405.91
## Effective number of parameters .....................: 48.91
## Marginal log-Likelihood: -217.22
## CPO and PIT are computed
## Posterior marginals for the linear predictor and
## the fitted values are computed
sdemmarg <- inla.tmarginal(ff, sdem.inla_slm$marginals.hyperpar[[2]])
c(mean=mean(sdemmarg[, "x"]), se=sd(sdemmarg[, "x"]))
## mean se
## 0.964336022 0.003921358
system.time(mc.samples <- inla.posterior.sample(niter, sdem.inla_slm))
## user system elapsed
## 9.135 6.229 5.142
smple0 <- t(sapply(mc.samples, function(x) x$latent[100:103]))
colnames(smple0) <- c("Direct_LAG", "Direct_HOVAL", "Indirect_LAG", "Indirect_HOVAL")
smple <- cbind(smple0, Total_LAG=smple0[,1]+smple0[,3], Total_HOVAL=smple0[,2]+smple0[,4])
(sdem.inla_mc_imps1 <- apply(smple, 2, mean)[c(1,3,5,2,4,6)])
## Direct_LAG Indirect_LAG Total_LAG Direct_HOVAL Indirect_HOVAL
## -0.8183172 -0.5521573 -1.3704745 -0.3019328 -0.0154599
## Total_HOVAL
## -0.3173927
(sdem.inla_mc_imps2 <- apply(smple, 2, sd)[c(1,3,5,2,4,6)])
## Direct_LAG Indirect_LAG Total_LAG Direct_HOVAL Indirect_HOVAL
## 0.4514668 1.0384707 1.3474952 0.1232322 0.2714796
## Total_HOVAL
## 0.3594395
## sdem_ml_coefs sdem_SET0_coefs sdem_SET1_coefs sdem_SET2_coefs
## (Intercept) 73.54513284 72.4408654 72.3496257 72.43158907
## 8.78354327 11.2961999 11.1307694 13.59935421
## INC -1.05167269 -1.0223705 -1.0174315 -0.98091899
## 0.31951388 0.3780956 0.3733655 0.39202161
## HOVAL -0.27560842 -0.2779983 -0.2759088 -0.27868572
## 0.09115142 0.1018573 0.1053409 0.10926740
## lag.INC -1.15671090 -1.0890699 -1.0896171 -1.00346727
## 0.57862875 0.7170335 0.6963247 0.79644975
## lag.HOVAL 0.11169118 0.1040978 0.1020230 0.05651804
## 0.19899272 0.2391063 0.2228594 0.25131548
## lambda 0.42539901 0.4874297 0.4774617 0.57930920
## 0.15842312 0.1683799 0.1771428 0.17304659
## s2 92.53089974 113.7969075 114.3977500 117.46819255
## NA 27.2638915 26.5739735 28.55412624
## sdem_inla_slm_coefs
## (Intercept) 66.554000000
## 21.511000000
## INC -0.831000000
## 0.437000000
## HOVAL -0.298000000
## 0.120000000
## lag.INC -0.558000000
## 1.011000000
## lag.HOVAL -0.012000000
## 0.279000000
## lambda 0.964336022
## 0.003921358
## s2 NA
## NA
## sdem.SET0 sdem.SET1 sdem.SET2 sdem.inla_slm_lc
## Direct_INC -1.05167269 -1.02237053 -1.01743155 -0.98091899 -0.8310000
## 0.31951388 0.35828605 0.35380380 0.37148245 0.4370000
## Indirect_INC -1.15671090 -1.08906990 -1.08961709 -1.00346727 -0.5580000
## 0.57862875 0.67946604 0.65984225 0.75472142 1.0110000
## Total_INC -2.20838359 -2.11144043 -2.10704864 -1.98438626 -1.3888023
## 0.64786356 0.81935362 0.78356184 0.92852675 1.3139672
## Direct_HOVAL -0.27560842 -0.27799832 -0.27590883 -0.27868572 -0.2980000
## 0.09115142 0.09652069 0.09982179 0.10354257 0.1200000
## Indirect_HOVAL 0.11169118 0.10409782 0.10202302 0.05651804 -0.0120000
## 0.19899272 0.22657879 0.21118316 0.23814833 0.2790000
## Total_HOVAL -0.16391724 -0.17390050 -0.17388581 -0.22216768 -0.3100210
## 0.23462885 0.27116466 0.25466936 0.29295305 0.3644325
## sdem.inla_mc
## Direct_INC -0.8183172
## 0.4514668
## Indirect_INC -0.5521573
## 1.0384707
## Total_INC -1.3704745
## 1.3474952
## Direct_HOVAL -0.3019328
## 0.1232322
## Indirect_HOVAL -0.0154599
## 0.2714796
## Total_HOVAL -0.3173927
## 0.3594395 <- lagsarlm(m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw=lw, control=list(pre_eig=ev))
## Call:
## lagsarlm(formula = m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw = lw, control = list(pre_eig = ev))
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -37.68585 -5.35636 0.05421 6.02013 23.20555
## Type: lag
## Coefficients: (asymptotic standard errors)
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) 45.079251 7.177347 6.2808 3.369e-10
## INC -1.031616 0.305143 -3.3808 0.0007229
## HOVAL -0.265926 0.088499 -3.0049 0.0026570
## Rho: 0.43102, LR test value: 9.9736, p-value: 0.001588
## Asymptotic standard error: 0.11768
## z-value: 3.6626, p-value: 0.00024962
## Wald statistic: 13.415, p-value: 0.00024962
## Log likelihood: -182.3904 for lag model
## ML residual variance (sigma squared): 95.494, (sigma: 9.7721)
## Number of observations: 49
## Number of parameters estimated: 5
## AIC: 374.78, (AIC for lm: 382.75)
## LM test for residual autocorrelation
## test value: 0.31955, p-value: 0.57188
slm.ml_imps <- summary(spatialreg::impacts(, tr=tr, R=1000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
## Impact measures (lag, trace):
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -1.0860220 -0.7270848 -1.8131068
## HOVAL -0.2799509 -0.1874253 -0.4673763
## ========================================================
## Simulation results ( variance matrix):
## ========================================================
## Simulated standard errors
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.31565089 0.3954370 0.5960813
## HOVAL 0.09512891 0.1375705 0.2101898
## Simulated z-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -3.465993 -1.971279 -3.143129
## HOVAL -2.959029 -1.529466 -2.340259
## Simulated p-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.00052828 0.048692 0.0016715
## HOVAL 0.00308610 0.126149 0.0192704
system.time(slm.SET0 <- spBreg_lag(m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw=lw,
control=list(ndraw=titer, nomit=nomit)))
## user system elapsed
## 0.865 0.027 0.896
## Iterations = 1001:2000
## Thinning interval = 1
## Number of chains = 1
## Sample size per chain = 1000
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
## plus standard error of the mean:
## Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
## (Intercept) 45.6326 8.28448 0.261978 0.261978
## INC -1.0420 0.34533 0.010920 0.010138
## HOVAL -0.2620 0.09305 0.002942 0.003132
## rho 0.4157 0.12915 0.004084 0.004084
## sige 107.8414 23.80501 0.752780 0.801880
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
## 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
## (Intercept) 30.3906 39.6184 45.4544 51.1837 62.52058
## INC -1.7102 -1.2858 -1.0445 -0.7939 -0.38131
## HOVAL -0.4441 -0.3233 -0.2643 -0.2018 -0.07704
## rho 0.1495 0.3327 0.4212 0.5088 0.65590
## sige 70.5339 91.3290 104.5761 121.0270 164.05202
slm.SET0_imps <- summary(spatialreg::impacts(slm.SET0, tr=tr), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
## Impact measures (lag, trace):
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -1.0924312 -0.6908227 -1.7832538
## HOVAL -0.2746964 -0.1737102 -0.4484066
## ========================================================
## Simulation results ( variance matrix):
## ========================================================
## Simulated standard errors
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.36674777 0.5068005 0.7797977
## HOVAL 0.09906053 0.1305946 0.2071283
## Simulated z-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -3.005422 -1.524388 -2.404204
## HOVAL -2.799551 -1.500012 -2.284663
## Simulated p-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.0026521 0.12741 0.016208
## HOVAL 0.0051174 0.13361 0.022333
raftery.diag(slm.SET0, r=0.01)
## Quantile (q) = 0.025
## Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.01
## Probability (s) = 0.95
## Burn-in Total Lower bound Dependence
## (M) (N) (Nmin) factor (I)
## (Intercept) 2 969 937 1.030
## INC 2 969 937 1.030
## HOVAL 2 893 937 0.953
## rho 2 893 937 0.953
## sige 2 969 937 1.030
## Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
## Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
## (Intercept) INC HOVAL rho sige
## 1.1577 -0.1113 -1.4683 -0.7896 0.9056
system.time(slm.SET1 <- spBreg_lag(m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw=lw,
control=list(ndraw=titer, nomit=nomit, prior=list(rhoMH=TRUE))))
## user system elapsed
## 0.732 0.003 0.739
## Iterations = 1001:2000
## Thinning interval = 1
## Number of chains = 1
## Sample size per chain = 1000
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
## plus standard error of the mean:
## Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
## (Intercept) 45.5493 8.79426 0.278099 1.715790
## INC -1.0488 0.36618 0.011580 0.044560
## HOVAL -0.2637 0.09443 0.002986 0.002986
## rho 0.4217 0.14019 0.004433 0.033249
## sige 109.4689 23.95420 0.757498 0.803948
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
## 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
## (Intercept) 27.8764 39.6485 45.5312 51.6086 62.68828
## INC -1.7524 -1.2933 -1.0674 -0.8182 -0.32457
## HOVAL -0.4353 -0.3268 -0.2661 -0.2022 -0.08124
## rho 0.1406 0.3290 0.4312 0.5153 0.66443
## sige 71.9152 92.6849 106.0001 123.3212 161.35279
slm.SET1_imps <- summary(spatialreg::impacts(slm.SET1, tr=tr), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
## Impact measures (lag, trace):
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -1.1012963 -0.7123675 -1.8136638
## HOVAL -0.2768525 -0.1790806 -0.4559331
## ========================================================
## Simulation results ( variance matrix):
## ========================================================
## Simulated standard errors
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.3712551 0.4147001 0.6365957
## HOVAL 0.1013266 0.1515512 0.2277523
## Simulated z-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -2.977392 -1.773007 -2.891378
## HOVAL -2.763559 -1.361364 -2.135384
## Simulated p-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.0029071 0.076227 0.0038356
## HOVAL 0.0057175 0.173399 0.0327297
raftery.diag(slm.SET1, r=0.01)
## Quantile (q) = 0.025
## Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.01
## Probability (s) = 0.95
## Burn-in Total Lower bound Dependence
## (M) (N) (Nmin) factor (I)
## (Intercept) 22 7094 937 7.570
## INC 3 1143 937 1.220
## HOVAL 2 969 937 1.030
## rho 32 8922 937 9.520
## sige 2 893 937 0.953
## Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
## Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
## (Intercept) INC HOVAL rho sige
## 2.00685 -2.26613 0.29433 -1.88615 0.04327
mm <- model.matrix(m.form, data=COL.OLD)
betaprec <- .0001
Q.beta = Diagonal(n=ncol(mm), betaprec)
args.slm <- list(rho.min = rho.min, rho.max = rho.max, W = sW, X = mm, Q.beta = Q.beta)
system.time(slm.inla_slm <- inla(CRIME ~ 0 + f(idx, model="slm",
args.slm=args.slm, hyper=hyper.slm), data = COL.OLD,
family="gaussian", = list(hyper=zero.variance),
control.compute=list(dic=TRUE, cpo=TRUE, config=TRUE)))
## Call:
## c("inla(formula = CRIME ~ 0 + f(idx, model = \"slm\", args.slm =
## args.slm, ", " hyper = hyper.slm), family = \"gaussian\", data =
## COL.OLD, ", " control.compute = list(dic = TRUE, cpo = TRUE, config =
## TRUE), ", " = list(hyper = zero.variance))")
## Time used:
## Pre = 0.313, Running = 0.827, Post = 0.337, Total = 1.48
## Random effects:
## Name Model
## idx SLM model
## Model hyperparameters:
## mean sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant mode
## Precision for idx 0.009 0.003 0.004 0.008 0.015 0.008
## Rho for idx 0.786 0.023 0.740 0.787 0.828 0.788
## Expected number of effective parameters(stdev): 49.00(0.00)
## Number of equivalent replicates : 1.00
## Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) ...............: -1036.71
## Deviance Information Criterion (DIC, saturated) ....: 2405.91
## Effective number of parameters .....................: 48.91
## Marginal log-Likelihood: -208.16
## CPO and PIT are computed
## Posterior marginals for the linear predictor and
## the fitted values are computed
slmmarg <- inla.tmarginal(ff, slm.inla_slm$marginals.hyperpar[[2]])
c(mean=mean(slmmarg[, "x"]), se=sd(slmmarg[, "x"]))
## mean se
## 0.45789685 0.05713219
## ID mean sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant mode
## 50 50 45.8760300 7.65655947 30.8530756 45.8151944 61.04027876 45.5348625
## 51 51 -1.0492613 0.33640283 -1.7200776 -1.0462605 -0.39454448 -1.0396748
## 52 52 -0.2656263 0.09260125 -0.4482717 -0.2655907 -0.08337495 -0.2655114
## kld
## 50 7.024829e-04
## 51 9.354764e-05
## 52 5.139651e-06
system.time(mc.samples <- inla.posterior.sample(niter, slm.inla_slm))
## user system elapsed
## 5.162 4.666 2.586
smples0 <- t(sapply(mc.samples, function(x) c(x$latent[99:101],
ff(x$hyperpar[2]), 0)))
colnames(smples0) <- c("(Intercept)", "INC", "HOVAL", "rho", "sige")
smples <- as.mcmc(smples0)
attr(smples, "listw_style") <- "W"
attr(smples, "control")$interval <- c(rho.min, rho.max)
attr(smples, "type") <- "lag"
slm.inla_slm_imps <- summary(spatialreg:::impacts.MCMC_sar_G(smples, tr=tr),
zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
## Impact measures (lag, trace):
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -1.1083674 -0.6934438 -1.8018111
## HOVAL -0.2754759 -0.1723499 -0.4478259
## ========================================================
## Simulation results ( variance matrix):
## ========================================================
## Simulated standard errors
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.33502216 0.3747234 0.5817865
## HOVAL 0.09714212 0.1271643 0.2000713
## Simulated z-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -3.321059 -1.928136 -3.154329
## HOVAL -2.859419 -1.507487 -2.346506
## Simulated p-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.00089677 0.053838 0.0016087
## HOVAL 0.00424418 0.131686 0.0189503
## slm_ml_coefs slm_SET0_coefs slm_SET1_coefs slm_inla_slm_coefs
## (Intercept) 45.07925051 45.63255381 45.54931437 45.87602997
## 7.17734654 8.28447816 8.79426490 7.65655947
## INC -1.03161570 -1.04203042 -1.04879130 -1.04926133
## 0.30514297 0.34533116 0.36618418 0.33640283
## HOVAL -0.26592625 -0.26202288 -0.26365342 -0.26562628
## 0.08849862 0.09304823 0.09442906 0.09260125
## rho 0.43102320 0.41565783 0.42172783 0.45789685
## 0.11768073 0.12915209 0.14018934 0.05713219
## s2 95.49449671 107.84143322 109.46888841 NA
## NA 23.80500591 23.95419974 NA
## slm.SET0 slm.SET1_impv slm.inla_slm
## Direct_INC -1.08602200 -1.09243117 -1.1012963 -1.10836737
## 0.31565089 0.36674777 0.3712551 0.33502216
## Indirect_INC -0.72708479 -0.69082268 -0.7123675 -0.69344376
## 0.39543702 0.50680053 0.4147001 0.37472341
## Total_INC -1.81310679 -1.78325385 -1.8136638 -1.80181114
## 0.59608129 0.77979768 0.6365957 0.58178650
## Direct_HOVAL -0.27995092 -0.27469635 -0.2768525 -0.27547592
## 0.09512891 0.09906053 0.1013266 0.09714212
## Indirect_HOVAL -0.18742535 -0.17371023 -0.1790806 -0.17234995
## 0.13757051 0.13059456 0.1515512 0.12716430
## Total_HOVAL -0.46737627 -0.44840658 -0.4559331 -0.44782587
## 0.21018982 0.20712832 0.2277523 0.20007127 <- lagsarlm(m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw=lw, Durbin=TRUE,
## Call:lagsarlm(formula = m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw = lw, Durbin = TRUE,
## control = list(pre_eig = ev))
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -37.47829 -6.46731 -0.33835 6.05200 22.62969
## Type: mixed
## Coefficients: (asymptotic standard errors)
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) 42.822415 12.667205 3.3806 0.0007233
## INC -0.914223 0.331094 -2.7612 0.0057586
## HOVAL -0.293738 0.089212 -3.2926 0.0009927
## lag.INC -0.520284 0.565129 -0.9206 0.3572355
## lag.HOVAL 0.245640 0.178917 1.3729 0.1697756
## Rho: 0.42634, LR test value: 5.3693, p-value: 0.020494
## Asymptotic standard error: 0.15623
## z-value: 2.7288, p-value: 0.0063561
## Wald statistic: 7.4465, p-value: 0.0063561
## Log likelihood: -181.3935 for mixed model
## ML residual variance (sigma squared): 91.791, (sigma: 9.5808)
## Number of observations: 49
## Number of parameters estimated: 7
## AIC: 376.79, (AIC for lm: 380.16)
## LM test for residual autocorrelation
## test value: 0.28919, p-value: 0.59074
sdm.ml_imps <- summary(spatialreg::impacts(, tr=tr, R=1000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
## Impact measures (mixed, trace):
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -1.0238910 -1.476711 -2.50060224
## HOVAL -0.2792275 0.195385 -0.08384256
## ========================================================
## Simulation results ( variance matrix):
## ========================================================
## Simulated standard errors
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.31964300 0.8705975 0.9197001
## HOVAL 0.09114786 0.3252308 0.3607729
## Simulated z-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -3.163043 -1.771761 -2.7764867
## HOVAL -3.058603 0.630698 -0.2041804
## Simulated p-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.0015613 0.076434 0.005495
## HOVAL 0.0022237 0.528238 0.838213
system.time(sdm.SET0 <- spBreg_lag(m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw=lw, Durbin=TRUE,
control=list(ndraw=titer, nomit=nomit)))
## user system elapsed
## 0.856 0.005 0.864
## Iterations = 1001:2000
## Thinning interval = 1
## Number of chains = 1
## Sample size per chain = 1000
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
## plus standard error of the mean:
## Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
## (Intercept) 46.1055 14.09838 0.445830 0.514794
## INC -0.9386 0.35805 0.011322 0.011053
## HOVAL -0.2931 0.09729 0.003077 0.003077
## lag.INC -0.5828 0.63010 0.019925 0.022812
## lag.HOVAL 0.2387 0.18592 0.005879 0.005879
## rho 0.3765 0.16660 0.005268 0.005591
## sige 109.3179 23.73987 0.750721 0.860683
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
## 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
## (Intercept) 19.53828 36.5842 46.5180 54.9113 74.65694
## INC -1.66178 -1.1635 -0.9311 -0.6953 -0.29145
## HOVAL -0.48601 -0.3540 -0.2920 -0.2317 -0.09856
## lag.INC -1.84180 -1.0252 -0.5841 -0.1742 0.67992
## lag.HOVAL -0.15500 0.1209 0.2431 0.3579 0.59479
## rho 0.04745 0.2584 0.3852 0.4890 0.69185
## sige 73.02627 92.7043 105.5223 123.1922 162.88012
sdm.SET0_imps <- summary(spatialreg::impacts(sdm.SET0, tr=tr), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
## Impact measures (mixed, trace):
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -1.0340395 -1.4060873 -2.44012675
## HOVAL -0.2800597 0.1927249 -0.08733482
## ========================================================
## Simulation results ( variance matrix):
## ========================================================
## Simulated standard errors
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.3731458 1.2721251 1.4104757
## HOVAL 0.1008959 0.3145878 0.3531431
## Simulated z-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -2.822983 -1.2461065 -1.8707075
## HOVAL -2.793043 0.5913115 -0.2712414
## Simulated p-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.0047579 0.21273 0.061386
## HOVAL 0.0052215 0.55431 0.786205
raftery.diag(sdm.SET0, r=0.01)
## Quantile (q) = 0.025
## Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.01
## Probability (s) = 0.95
## Burn-in Total Lower bound Dependence
## (M) (N) (Nmin) factor (I)
## (Intercept) 2 969 937 1.030
## INC 2 969 937 1.030
## HOVAL 2 969 937 1.030
## lag.INC 2 893 937 0.953
## lag.HOVAL 3 1053 937 1.120
## rho 2 969 937 1.030
## sige 3 1053 937 1.120
## Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
## Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
## (Intercept) INC HOVAL lag.INC lag.HOVAL rho
## 0.60884 0.39423 -2.23812 0.01090 0.06195 -0.59075
## sige
## 0.05199
system.time(sdm.SET1 <- spBreg_lag(m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw=lw, Durbin=TRUE,
control=list(ndraw=titer, nomit=nomit, prior=list(rhoMH=TRUE))))
## user system elapsed
## 0.801 0.000 0.805
## Iterations = 1001:2000
## Thinning interval = 1
## Number of chains = 1
## Sample size per chain = 1000
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
## plus standard error of the mean:
## Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
## (Intercept) 45.8511 15.40696 0.487211 4.486160
## INC -0.9410 0.36021 0.011391 0.013852
## HOVAL -0.2962 0.09508 0.003007 0.003007
## lag.INC -0.5913 0.65238 0.020630 0.123869
## lag.HOVAL 0.2423 0.19117 0.006045 0.006045
## rho 0.3877 0.19122 0.006047 0.068835
## sige 108.3573 23.30650 0.737016 0.877693
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
## 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
## (Intercept) 15.690786 35.2072 46.3009 56.1017 75.5416
## INC -1.667744 -1.1959 -0.9340 -0.6909 -0.2460
## HOVAL -0.489320 -0.3588 -0.2983 -0.2353 -0.1037
## lag.INC -1.855550 -1.0437 -0.5953 -0.1347 0.7050
## lag.HOVAL -0.134312 0.1133 0.2415 0.3723 0.6289
## rho -0.007453 0.2628 0.3691 0.5274 0.7948
## sige 70.717514 91.6046 105.6254 122.5781 162.0995
sdm.SET1_imps <- summary(spatialreg::impacts(sdm.SET1, tr=tr), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
## Impact measures (mixed, trace):
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -1.042267 -1.4600656 -2.50233287
## HOVAL -0.282657 0.1947247 -0.08793232
## ========================================================
## Simulation results ( variance matrix):
## ========================================================
## Simulated standard errors
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.3526054 0.9120520 0.9854826
## HOVAL 0.1002180 0.3583432 0.3977696
## Simulated z-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -2.937898 -1.6092273 -2.5404991
## HOVAL -2.834868 0.5402616 -0.2275331
## Simulated p-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.0033045 0.10757 0.011069
## HOVAL 0.0045845 0.58902 0.820009
raftery.diag(sdm.SET1, r=0.01)
## Quantile (q) = 0.025
## Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.01
## Probability (s) = 0.95
## Burn-in Total Lower bound Dependence
## (M) (N) (Nmin) factor (I)
## (Intercept) 24 4678 937 4.990
## INC 3 1053 937 1.120
## HOVAL 2 893 937 0.953
## lag.INC 3 1053 937 1.120
## lag.HOVAL 2 893 937 0.953
## rho 25 6703 937 7.150
## sige 3 1053 937 1.120
## Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
## Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
## (Intercept) INC HOVAL lag.INC lag.HOVAL rho
## -5.9999 2.4992 -0.6331 6.9194 0.2787 4.7773
## sige
## -1.4206
mm <- model.matrix(dm.form, data=COL.OLD)
betaprec <- .0001
Q.beta = Diagonal(n=ncol(mm), betaprec)
args.slm <- list(rho.min = rho.min, rho.max = rho.max, W = sW, X = mm, Q.beta = Q.beta)
system.time(sdm.inla_slm <- inla(CRIME ~ 0 + f(idx, model="slm",
args.slm=args.slm, hyper=hyper.slm), data = COL.OLD,
family="gaussian", = list(hyper=zero.variance),
control.compute=list(dic=TRUE, cpo=TRUE, config=TRUE)))
## Call:
## c("inla(formula = CRIME ~ 0 + f(idx, model = \"slm\", args.slm =
## args.slm, ", " hyper = hyper.slm), family = \"gaussian\", data =
## COL.OLD, ", " control.compute = list(dic = TRUE, cpo = TRUE, config =
## TRUE), ", " = list(hyper = zero.variance))")
## Time used:
## Pre = 0.323, Running = 2.24, Post = 0.894, Total = 3.46
## Random effects:
## Name Model
## idx SLM model
## Model hyperparameters:
## mean sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant mode
## Precision for idx 0.009 0.001 0.007 0.009 0.012 0.009
## Rho for idx 0.942 0.007 0.928 0.943 0.955 0.943
## Expected number of effective parameters(stdev): 49.00(0.00)
## Number of equivalent replicates : 1.00
## Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) ...............: -1036.71
## Deviance Information Criterion (DIC, saturated) ....: 2405.91
## Effective number of parameters .....................: 48.91
## Marginal log-Likelihood: -224.86
## CPO and PIT are computed
## Posterior marginals for the linear predictor and
## the fitted values are computed
sdmmarg <- inla.tmarginal(ff, sdm.inla_slm$marginals.hyperpar[[2]])
c(mean=mean(sdmmarg[, "x"]), se=sd(sdmmarg[, "x"]))
## mean se
## 0.8533202 0.0172823
## ID mean sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant mode
## 50 50 42.6174774 14.41909313 17.9912603 41.1461449 73.0250992 37.7587395
## 51 51 -0.9127404 0.37034830 -1.6496933 -0.9102208 -0.1900851 -0.9050847
## 52 52 -0.2934522 0.09819155 -0.4867533 -0.2935121 -0.1000153 -0.2936239
## 53 53 -0.5162238 0.64205432 -1.8233101 -0.4999777 0.7018257 -0.4654768
## 54 54 0.2479965 0.19507389 -0.1381108 0.2486011 0.6304817 0.2498553
## kld
## 50 5.973626e-04
## 51 2.228635e-05
## 52 8.344655e-06
## 53 1.360082e-04
## 54 1.176557e-05
system.time(mc.samples <- inla.posterior.sample(niter, sdm.inla_slm))
## user system elapsed
## 6.332 5.505 2.599
smples0 <- t(sapply(mc.samples, function(x) c(x$latent[99:103],
ff(x$hyperpar[2]), 0)))
colnames(smples0) <- c("(Intercept)", "INC", "HOVAL", "LAG_INC", "LAG_HOVAL", "rho", "sige")
smples <- as.mcmc(smples0)
attr(smples, "listw_style") <- "W"
attr(smples, "control")$interval <- c(rho.min, rho.max)
attr(smples, "type") <- "Durbin"
sdm.inla_slm_imps <- summary(spatialreg:::impacts.MCMC_sar_G(smples, tr=tr),
zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
## Impact measures (mixed, trace):
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -1.0209818 -1.4649977 -2.48597947
## HOVAL -0.2835603 0.2035812 -0.07997903
## ========================================================
## Simulation results ( variance matrix):
## ========================================================
## Simulated standard errors
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.3596123 0.8913226 0.9698527
## HOVAL 0.1042759 0.3390587 0.3824224
## Simulated z-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -2.824088 -1.6487445 -2.5623889
## HOVAL -2.730595 0.5925078 -0.2192345
## Simulated p-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.0047415 0.09920 0.010395
## HOVAL 0.0063220 0.55351 0.826467
## sdm_ml_coefs sdm_SET0_coefs sdm_inla_slm_coefs
## (Intercept) 42.82241459 46.1055361 42.61747742
## 12.66720458 14.0983842 14.41909313
## INC -0.91422319 -0.9385890 -0.91274041
## 0.33109401 0.3580463 0.37034830
## HOVAL -0.29373778 -0.2931426 -0.29345217
## 0.08921192 0.0972933 0.09819155
## lag.INC -0.52028354 -0.5827586 -0.51622385
## 0.56512898 0.6300983 0.64205432
## lag.HOVAL 0.24564028 0.2386919 0.24799651
## 0.17891745 0.1859217 0.19507389
## rho 0.15623439 0.3765293 0.85332021
## 0.15623439 0.1666008 0.01728230
## s2 91.79121719 109.3179223 NA
## NA 23.7398697 NA
## sdm.SET0 sdm.SET1_impv
## Direct_INC -1.02389096 -1.03403946 -1.04226728
## 0.31964300 0.37314578 0.35260539
## Indirect_INC -1.47671128 -1.40608729 -1.46006559
## 0.87059750 1.27212507 0.91205203
## Total_INC -2.50060224 -2.44012675 -2.50233287
## 0.91970011 1.41047573 0.98548256
## Direct_HOVAL -0.27922754 -0.28005974 -0.28265699
## 0.09114786 0.10089586 0.10021799
## Indirect_HOVAL 0.19538498 0.19272491 0.19472467
## 0.32523079 0.31458783 0.35834321
## Total_HOVAL -0.08384256 -0.08733482 -0.08793232
## 0.36077291 0.35314306 0.39776956 <- sacsarlm(m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw=lw, Durbin=FALSE,
control=list(pre_eig1=ev, pre_eig2=ev))
## Call:sacsarlm(formula = m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw = lw, Durbin = FALSE,
## control = list(pre_eig1 = ev, pre_eig2 = ev))
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -37.32081 -5.33662 -0.20219 6.59672 23.25604
## Type: sac
## Coefficients: (asymptotic standard errors)
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) 47.783766 9.902659 4.8253 1.398e-06
## INC -1.025894 0.326326 -3.1438 0.001668
## HOVAL -0.281651 0.090033 -3.1283 0.001758
## Rho: 0.36807
## Asymptotic standard error: 0.19668
## z-value: 1.8714, p-value: 0.061285
## Lambda: 0.16668
## Asymptotic standard error: 0.29661
## z-value: 0.56196, p-value: 0.57415
## LR test value: 10.285, p-value: 0.0058432
## Log likelihood: -182.2348 for sac model
## ML residual variance (sigma squared): 95.604, (sigma: 9.7777)
## Number of observations: 49
## Number of parameters estimated: 6
## AIC: 376.47, (AIC for lm: 382.75)
sac.ml_imps <- summary(spatialreg::impacts(, tr=tr, R=1000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
## Impact measures (sac, trace):
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -1.0632723 -0.5601501 -1.6234223
## HOVAL -0.2919129 -0.1537847 -0.4456977
## ========================================================
## Simulation results ( variance matrix):
## ========================================================
## Simulated standard errors
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.32622768 0.9278461 1.0375428
## HOVAL 0.09891206 0.3970437 0.4458593
## Simulated z-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -3.259060 -0.7655765 -1.709359
## HOVAL -3.063347 -0.5685952 -1.185933
## Simulated p-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.0011178 0.44393 0.087385
## HOVAL 0.0021888 0.56963 0.235649
system.time(sac.SET0 <- spBreg_sac(m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw=lw, Durbin=FALSE,
control=list(ndraw=titer, nomit=nomit)))
## user system elapsed
## 1.442 0.003 1.451
## Iterations = 1001:2000
## Thinning interval = 1
## Number of chains = 1
## Sample size per chain = 1000
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
## plus standard error of the mean:
## Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
## (Intercept) 48.2791 9.45610 0.299028 0.822666
## INC -1.0028 0.34683 0.010968 0.012573
## HOVAL -0.2793 0.09652 0.003052 0.003298
## rho 0.3392 0.19008 0.006011 0.021859
## lambda 0.1532 0.27792 0.008789 0.030052
## sige 105.0834 22.49282 0.711285 0.711285
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
## 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
## (Intercept) 29.9542 41.92659 48.2736 54.6431 66.79671
## INC -1.6766 -1.23544 -0.9924 -0.7708 -0.32513
## HOVAL -0.4660 -0.34515 -0.2788 -0.2142 -0.09106
## rho -0.1022 0.22484 0.3560 0.4637 0.66106
## lambda -0.3811 -0.03245 0.1588 0.3682 0.71128
## sige 68.6209 88.99825 102.2609 118.3243 157.60420
sac.SET0_imps <- summary(spatialreg::impacts(sac.SET0, tr=tr), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
## Impact measures (sac, trace):
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -1.0331351 -0.4844538 -1.5175890
## HOVAL -0.2877881 -0.1349485 -0.4227366
## ========================================================
## Simulation results ( variance matrix):
## ========================================================
## Simulated standard errors
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.35666369 0.4864124 0.7016177
## HOVAL 0.09973797 0.1434405 0.2032738
## Simulated z-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -2.935283 -1.200011 -2.324070
## HOVAL -2.924575 -1.133069 -2.234519
## Simulated p-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.0033324 0.23014 0.020122
## HOVAL 0.0034493 0.25719 0.025449
## sac_ml_coefs sac_SET0_coefs
## (Intercept) 47.78376647 48.27914690
## 9.90265886 9.45609804
## INC -1.02589358 -1.00278373
## 0.32632614 0.34682840
## HOVAL -0.28165091 -0.27933348
## 0.09003346 0.09651832
## rho 0.36806734 0.33922573
## 0.19667646 0.19007544
## lambda 0.16667932 0.15316476
## 0.29660547 0.27791943
## s2 95.60419515 105.08341745
## NA 22.49281529
## sac.SET0
## Direct_INC -1.06327225 -1.03313515
## 0.32622768 0.35666369
## Indirect_INC -0.56015006 -0.48445380
## 0.92784613 0.48641242
## Total_INC -1.62342231 -1.51758895
## 1.03754281 0.70161769
## Direct_HOVAL -0.29191292 -0.28778812
## 0.09891206 0.09973797
## Indirect_HOVAL -0.15378473 -0.13494851
## 0.39704368 0.14344055
## Total_HOVAL -0.44569766 -0.42273662
## 0.44585929 0.20327384
system.time( <- sacsarlm(m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw=lw, Durbin=TRUE,
control=list(pre_eig1=ev, pre_eig2=ev)))
## user system elapsed
## 0.367 0.000 0.369
## Call:sacsarlm(formula = m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw = lw, Durbin = TRUE,
## control = list(pre_eig1 = ev, pre_eig2 = ev))
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -37.8045 -6.5244 -0.2207 5.9944 22.8691
## Type: sacmixed
## Coefficients: (asymptotic standard errors)
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) 50.92025 68.25721 0.7460 0.455664
## INC -0.95072 0.44033 -2.1591 0.030841
## HOVAL -0.28650 0.09994 -2.8667 0.004148
## lag.INC -0.69261 1.69113 -0.4096 0.682132
## lag.HOVAL 0.20852 0.28702 0.7265 0.467546
## Rho: 0.31557
## Asymptotic standard error: 0.9458
## z-value: 0.33365, p-value: 0.73864
## Lambda: 0.15415
## Asymptotic standard error: 1.0643
## z-value: 0.14484, p-value: 0.88484
## LR test value: 12.07, p-value: 0.016837
## Log likelihood: -181.3422 for sacmixed model
## ML residual variance (sigma squared): 93.149, (sigma: 9.6514)
## Number of observations: 49
## Number of parameters estimated: 8
## AIC: 378.68, (AIC for lm: 382.75)
sdac.ml_imps <- summary(spatialreg::impacts(, tr=tr, R=1000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
## Impact measures (sac, trace):
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -1.0632723 -0.5601501 -1.6234223
## HOVAL -0.2919129 -0.1537847 -0.4456977
## ========================================================
## Simulation results ( variance matrix):
## ========================================================
## Simulated standard errors
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.32622768 0.9278461 1.0375428
## HOVAL 0.09891206 0.3970437 0.4458593
## Simulated z-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -3.259060 -0.7655765 -1.709359
## HOVAL -3.063347 -0.5685952 -1.185933
## Simulated p-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.0011178 0.44393 0.087385
## HOVAL 0.0021888 0.56963 0.235649
system.time(sdac.SET0 <- spBreg_sac(m.form, data = COL.OLD, listw=lw, Durbin=TRUE,
control=list(ndraw=titer, nomit=nomit)))
## user system elapsed
## 1.465 0.002 1.473
## Iterations = 1001:2000
## Thinning interval = 1
## Number of chains = 1
## Sample size per chain = 1000
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
## plus standard error of the mean:
## Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
## (Intercept) 58.0481 22.40348 0.708460 2.547075
## INC -0.9793 0.36718 0.011611 0.017575
## HOVAL -0.2843 0.09447 0.002987 0.003181
## lag.INC -0.8654 0.74086 0.023428 0.058785
## lag.HOVAL 0.1879 0.21672 0.006853 0.011749
## rho 0.2112 0.29380 0.009291 0.034349
## lambda 0.1917 0.29777 0.009416 0.034666
## sige 101.3116 23.30551 0.736985 0.873978
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
## 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
## (Intercept) 20.3456 41.1925600 55.2472 73.3555 105.2657
## INC -1.6902 -1.2331570 -0.9819 -0.7466 -0.2701
## HOVAL -0.4746 -0.3430497 -0.2839 -0.2205 -0.0975
## lag.INC -2.3850 -1.3391199 -0.8466 -0.3349 0.5261
## lag.HOVAL -0.2525 0.0591973 0.1888 0.3405 0.5921
## rho -0.4182 -0.0005182 0.2493 0.4513 0.6737
## lambda -0.3891 -0.0170605 0.1972 0.4132 0.7130
## sige 66.3334 85.2337068 97.4177 112.9680 158.6974
sdac.SET0_imps <- summary(spatialreg::impacts(sdac.SET0, tr=tr), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
## Impact measures (sacmixed, trace):
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -1.0341718 -1.3046940 -2.338866
## HOVAL -0.2777375 0.1555625 -0.122175
## ========================================================
## Simulation results ( variance matrix):
## ========================================================
## Simulated standard errors
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.36171444 0.9875037 1.0847532
## HOVAL 0.09548571 0.2969108 0.3300326
## Simulated z-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC -2.879967 -1.4364589 -2.2680127
## HOVAL -2.899241 0.5670263 -0.3286943
## Simulated p-values:
## Direct Indirect Total
## INC 0.0039772 0.15087 0.023328
## HOVAL 0.0037407 0.57070 0.742387
raftery.diag(sdac.SET0, r=0.01)
## Quantile (q) = 0.025
## Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.01
## Probability (s) = 0.95
## Burn-in Total Lower bound Dependence
## (M) (N) (Nmin) factor (I)
## (Intercept) 3 1143 937 1.220
## INC 2 969 937 1.030
## HOVAL 2 969 937 1.030
## lag.INC 3 1053 937 1.120
## lag.HOVAL 3 1053 937 1.120
## rho 22 6094 937 6.500
## lambda 18 4793 937 5.120
## sige 2 893 937 0.953
## Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
## Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
## (Intercept) INC HOVAL lag.INC lag.HOVAL rho
## -1.3752 2.4222 -2.1499 0.8725 1.8681 1.5424
## lambda sige
## -1.2942 -0.9987
## sdac_ml_coefs sdac_SET0_coefs
## (Intercept) 50.92025501 58.04812352
## 68.25720777 22.40347710
## INC -0.95071665 -0.97934527
## 0.44032512 0.36718174
## HOVAL -0.28649657 -0.28427465
## 0.09994037 0.09447263
## lag.INC -0.69261107 -0.86544221
## 1.69112639 0.74086149
## lag.HOVAL 0.20851641 0.18790874
## 0.28702413 0.21671826
## rho 0.31556940 0.21124698
## 0.94580491 0.29380248
## lambda 0.15415430 0.19170025
## 1.06432263 0.29776693
## s2 93.14860278 101.31160615
## NA 23.30550749
## sdac.SET0
## Direct_INC -1.0317003 -1.03417179
## 0.3849620 0.36171444
## Indirect_INC -1.3693141 -1.30469404
## 2.3546369 0.98750368
## Total_INC -2.4010144 -2.33886583
## 2.5184230 1.08475318
## Direct_HOVAL -0.2768608 -0.27773753
## 0.1102907 0.09548571
## Indirect_HOVAL 0.1629265 0.15556251
## 0.7795519 0.29691076
## Total_HOVAL -0.1139344 -0.12217502
## 0.8401346 0.33003264
## R version 4.1.0 (2021-05-18)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Fedora 34 (Workstation Edition)
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /home/rsb/topics/R/R410-share/lib64/R/lib/
## LAPACK: /home/rsb/topics/R/R410-share/lib64/R/lib/
## locale:
## attached base packages:
## [1] parallel stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods
## [8] base
## other attached packages:
## [1] coda_0.19-4 INLABMA_0.1-11 INLA_21.03.21 foreach_1.5.1
## [5] sphet_1.11 ggplot2_3.3.3 R2BayesX_1.1-1 mgcv_1.8-35
## [9] nlme_3.1-152 colorspace_2.0-1 BayesXsrc_3.0-1 HSAR_0.5.1
## [13] hglm_2.2-1 hglm.data_1.0-1 sp_1.4-5 MASS_7.3-54
## [17] MatrixModels_0.5-0 lme4_1.1-27 spmoran_0.2.1 spatialreg_1.1-9
## [21] Matrix_1.3-3 spData_0.3.8 tmap_3.3-1 sf_0.9-9
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] minqa_1.2.4 leafem_0.1.3 deldir_0.2-10
## [4] ellipsis_0.3.2 class_7.3-19 leaflet_2.0.4.1
## [7] base64enc_0.1-3 dichromat_2.0-0 proxy_0.4-25
## [10] Deriv_4.1.3 farver_2.1.0 mvtnorm_1.1-1
## [13] RSpectra_0.16-0 fansi_0.4.2 codetools_0.2-18
## [16] splines_4.1.0 mnormt_2.0.2 doParallel_1.0.16
## [19] knitr_1.33 spam_2.6-0 jsonlite_1.7.2
## [22] nloptr_1.2.2.2 tmaptools_3.1-1 cluster_2.1.2
## [25] png_0.1-7 compiler_4.1.0 assertthat_0.2.1
## [28] htmltools_0.5.1.1 tools_4.1.0 dotCall64_1.0-1
## [31] gtable_0.3.0 glue_1.4.2 dplyr_1.0.6
## [34] maps_3.3.0 gmodels_2.18.1 Rcpp_1.0.6
## [37] jquerylib_0.1.4 raster_3.4-10 vctrs_0.3.8
## [40] spdep_1.1-8 gdata_2.18.0 iterators_1.0.13
## [43] leafsync_0.1.0 crosstalk_1.1.1 lwgeom_0.2-6
## [46] xfun_0.23 stringr_1.4.0 lifecycle_1.0.0
## [49] gtools_3.8.2 XML_3.99-0.6 LearnBayes_2.15.1
## [52] scales_1.1.1 expm_0.999-6 metafor_2.4-0
## [55] RColorBrewer_1.1-2 fields_12.3 yaml_2.2.1
## [58] gridExtra_2.3 sass_0.4.0 stringi_1.6.2
## [61] highr_0.9 spDataLarge_0.5.1 e1071_1.7-7
## [64] permute_0.9-5 boot_1.3-28 rlang_0.4.11
## [67] pkgconfig_2.0.3 matrixStats_0.58.0 evaluate_0.14
## [70] lattice_0.20-44 purrr_0.3.4 htmlwidgets_1.5.3
## [73] labeling_0.4.2 tidyselect_1.1.1 magrittr_2.0.1
## [76] R6_2.5.0 generics_0.1.0 DBI_1.1.1
## [79] sn_2.0.0 pillar_1.6.1 withr_2.4.2
## [82] units_0.7-1 stars_0.5-2 abind_1.4-5
## [85] tibble_3.1.2 crayon_1.4.1 rARPACK_0.11-0
## [88] KernSmooth_2.23-20 utf8_1.2.1 tmvnsim_1.0-2
## [91] rmarkdown_2.8 viridis_0.6.1 grid_4.1.0
## [94] vegan_2.5-7 digest_0.6.27 classInt_0.4-3
## [97] numDeriv_2016.8-1.1 dbscan_1.1-8 stats4_4.1.0
## [100] munsell_0.5.0 viridisLite_0.4.0 bslib_0.2.5.1