Contributing to rgrass

This outlines how to propose a change to rgrass as we move to support GRASS 8.0. The rgrass package is the successor to the rgrass7 package. rgrass supports both GRASS 7 and 8 and is available from CRAN; rgrass7 will be retired at the latest at the end of 2023 when rgdal retires.

How to propose a change to rgrass

To propose a change to rgrass, please consider the roles assigned to the different branches in this repository.

  • The main branch is the development branch for rgrass. If you would like to contribute to rgrass (“new” package), please target your PRs and contributions to this branch.

  • The rgrass7 branch is the “target” maintenance source for the package rgrass7 (“old” package). If you would like to contribute to rgrass7, please target your PRs and contributions to this branch, but note that onlly essential PRs will be considered.

  • The next release of rgrass7 has been updated to give a startup message advising users to switch to rgrass and to deprecate all functionality.