Test points for inclusion in a polygon.




A points data set


A polygon data set


If points fall exactly on polygon boundaries, the default NULL gives arbitrary assignments. If TRUE, then all points "on" boundaries are set as within the polygon, if FALSE, outside.


Do not report which points are on boundary for non-NULL bound


A vector of logical values. TRUE means the point was inside the polygon, FALSE means the point was outside. Note that "inside" is an arbitrary concept for points "on" the polygon boundary.

See also


Rowlingson, B. and Diggle, P. 1993 Splancs: spatial point pattern analysis code in S-Plus. Computers and Geosciences, 19, 627-655; the original sources can be accessed at: https://www.maths.lancs.ac.uk/~rowlings/Splancs/. See also Bivand, R. and Gebhardt, A. 2000 Implementing functions for spatial statistical analysis using the R language. Journal of Geographical Systems, 2, 307-317.


suganda <- sbox(uganda$poly)
ruganda <- csr(suganda, 1000)
polymap(uganda$poly, add=TRUE)
def <- inout(ruganda, uganda$poly, bound=NULL)
pointmap(as.points(ruganda[def,1], ruganda[def,2]), add=TRUE, col="black")
pointmap(as.points(ruganda[!def,1], ruganda[!def,2]), add=TRUE, col="red")

tru <- inout(ruganda, uganda$poly, bound=TRUE, quiet=FALSE)
#> No points on boundary
which(tru & !def)
#> integer(0)
ds1 <- as.points(expand.grid(x=seq(-1.5,1.5,0.5), y=seq(-1.5,1.5,0.5)))
ds1.poly <- ds1[chull(ds1),]
ds2 <- as.points(rnorm(300),rnorm(300))
plot(ds2, type="n", asp=1)
polymap(ds1.poly, add=TRUE, border="lightblue", col="lightblue", lwd=1)
points(ds2[inout(ds2,ds1.poly),],  col="green",  pch=20)
points(ds2[!inout(ds2,ds1.poly),], col="orange", pch=20)
points(ds1[inout(ds1,ds1.poly),],  col="black",  pch=20)
points(ds1[!inout(ds1,ds1.poly),], col="red",    pch=20)

plot(ds2, type="n", asp=1)
polymap(ds1.poly, add=TRUE, border="lightblue", col="lightblue", lwd=1)
points(ds2[inout(ds2,ds1.poly,bound=TRUE),],  col="green",  pch=20)
points(ds2[!inout(ds2,ds1.poly,bound=TRUE),], col="orange", pch=20)
points(ds1[inout(ds1,ds1.poly,bound=TRUE),],  col="black",  pch=20)
points(ds1[!inout(ds1,ds1.poly,bound=TRUE),], col="red",    pch=20)

plot(ds2, type="n", asp=1)
polymap(ds1.poly, add=TRUE, border="lightblue", col="lightblue", lwd=1)
points(ds2[inout(ds2,ds1.poly,bound=FALSE),],  col="green",  pch=20)
points(ds2[!inout(ds2,ds1.poly,bound=FALSE),], col="orange", pch=20)
points(ds1[inout(ds1,ds1.poly,bound=FALSE),],  col="black",  pch=20)
points(ds1[!inout(ds1,ds1.poly,bound=FALSE),], col="red",    pch=20)