Create image for gridded data in SpatialGridDataFrame or SpatialPixelsDataFrame objects.

# S3 method for SpatialGridDataFrame
image(x, attr = 1, xcol = 1, ycol = 2,
        col = heat.colors(12), red=NULL, green=NULL, blue=NULL,
        axes = FALSE, xlim = NULL,
        ylim = NULL, add = FALSE, ..., asp = NA, setParUsrBB=FALSE,
        interpolate = FALSE, angle = 0,
        useRasterImage = !(.Platform$GUI[1] == "Rgui" &&
        getIdentification() == "R Console") && missing(breaks), breaks,
        zlim = range(as.numeric(x[[attr]])[is.finite(x[[attr]])]))
# S3 method for SpatialPixelsDataFrame
image(x, ...)
# S3 method for SpatialPixels
image(x, ...)
# S3 method for SpatialGridDataFrame
contour(x, attr = 1, xcol = 1, ycol = 2,
        col = 1, add = FALSE, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, axes = FALSE,
         ..., setParUsrBB = FALSE)
# S3 method for SpatialPixelsDataFrame
contour(x, ...)
as.image.SpatialGridDataFrame(x, xcol = 1, ycol = 2, attr = 1)
image2Grid(im, p4 = as.character(NA), digits=10)



object of class SpatialGridDataFrame


column of attribute variable; this may be the column name in the data.frame of data (, or a column number


column number of x-coordinate, in the coordinate matrix


column number of y-coordinate, in the coordinate matrix


a vector of colors


columns names or numbers given instead of the attr argument when the data represent an image encoded in three colour bands on the 0-255 integer scale; all three columns must be given in this case, and the attribute values will be constructed using function rgb


logical; should coordinate axes be drawn?


x-axis limits


y-axis limits


data limits for plotting the (raster, attribute) values


logical; if FALSE, the image is added to the plot layout setup by plot(as(x, "Spatial"),axes=axes,xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim,asp=asp) which sets up axes and plotting region; if TRUE, the image is added to the existing plot.


arguments passed to image, see examples


aspect ratio to be used for plot


default FALSE, see Spatial-class for further details


if TRUE, use rasterImage to render the image if available; for legacy rendering set FALSE; should be FALSE on Windows SDI installations


class breaks for coloured values


default FALSE, a logical vector (or scalar) indicating whether to apply linear interpolation to the image when drawing, see rasterImage


default 0, angle of rotation (in degrees, anti-clockwise from positive x-axis, about the bottom-left corner), see rasterImage


list with components named x, y, and z, as used for image


CRS object, proj4 string


default 10, number of significant digits to use for checking equal row/column spacing


as.image.SpatialGridDataFrame returns the list with elements x and y, containing the coordinates of the cell centres of a matrix z, containing the attribute values in matrix form as needed by image.


Providing xcol and ycol attributes seems obsolete, and it is for 2D data, but it may provide opportunities for plotting certain slices in 3D data. I haven't given this much thought yet.

filled.contour seems to misinterpret the coordinate values, if we take the image.default manual page as the reference.

See also

image.default, SpatialGridDataFrame-class, levelplot in package lattice. Function image.plot in package fields can be used to make a legend for an image, see an example in


data(meuse.grid) coordinates(meuse.grid) = c("x", "y") # promote to SpatialPointsDataFrame gridded(meuse.grid) = TRUE # promote to SpatialGridDataFrame data(meuse) coordinates(meuse) = c("x", "y") image(meuse.grid["dist"], main = "Distance to river Meuse")
points(coordinates(meuse), pch = "+")
image(meuse.grid["dist"], main = "Distance to river Meuse", useRasterImage=TRUE)
points(coordinates(meuse), pch = "+")
# color scale: layout(cbind(1,2), c(4,1),1) image(meuse.grid["dist"]) imageScale(meuse.grid$dist, axis.pos=4, add.axis=FALSE)
axis(4,at=c(0,.2,.4,.8), las=2)
data(Rlogo) d = dim(Rlogo) cellsize = abs(c(gt[2],gt[6])) cells.dim = c(d[1], d[2]) # c(d[2],d[1]) cellcentre.offset = c(x = gt[1] + 0.5 * cellsize[1], y = gt[4] - (d[2] - 0.5) * abs(cellsize[2])) grid = GridTopology(cellcentre.offset, cellsize, cells.dim) df = as.vector(Rlogo[,,1]) for (band in 2:d[3]) df = cbind(df, as.vector(Rlogo[,,band])) df = names(df) = paste("band", 1:d[3], sep="") Rlogo <- SpatialGridDataFrame(grid = grid, data = df) summary(Rlogo)
#> Object of class SpatialGridDataFrame #> Coordinates: #> min max #> x 0 101 #> y -77 0 #> Is projected: NA #> proj4string : [NA] #> Grid attributes: #> cellcentre.offset cellsize cells.dim #> x 0.5 1 101 #> y -76.5 1 77 #> Data attributes: #> band1 band2 band3 #> Min. : 0.0 Min. : 0.0 Min. : 0.0 #> 1st Qu.:131.0 1st Qu.:138.0 1st Qu.:151.0 #> Median :196.0 Median :199.0 Median :215.0 #> Mean :182.3 Mean :185.4 Mean :192.8 #> 3rd Qu.:254.0 3rd Qu.:255.0 3rd Qu.:254.0 #> Max. :255.0 Max. :255.0 Max. :255.0
image(Rlogo, red="band1", green="band2", blue="band3") image(Rlogo, red="band1", green="band2", blue="band3", useRasterImage=FALSE)$band1) <- Rlogo$band1 == 255$band2) <- Rlogo$band2 == 255$band3) <- Rlogo$band3 == 255 Rlogo$i7 <- 7 image(Rlogo, "i7") image(Rlogo, red="band1", green="band2", blue="band3", add=TRUE)