1  Introducing Spatial Econometrics

1.1 Why is spatial data special?

The three kinds of spatial data (Cressie 1993) are spatial point patterns, geostatistical data observed at sample stations for prediction to unobserved locations, and areal data, also known as lattice data. In the case of spatial point patterns, it is assumed that all points are known, and the point process of interest is that driving the patterning of the points, for example that they are more clustered than if they were randomly distributed over the study area. Geostatistical modelling developed from hydrology and mining (environmental science) to estimate areas or volumes of quantities of interest, where more variability in the variables observed might suggest the need for sample locations to be closer to each other. While spatial econometrics has some links with spatial point patterns (e.g. Arbia 2001; Marcon et al. 2015; Marcon and Puech 2017, 2023), and geostatistics (e.g. Dearmon and Smith 2021), areal or lattice spatial data are much more commonly analysed.

Areal or lattice spatial data may be aggregates within administrative boundaries, such as municipalities, counties or census tracts, or may be points representing observations that do not reasonably match observations on a continuous surface as would have suited a geostatistical approach. In preparing data for modelling, support is often changed when, for example, night-time light intensity observed over raster cells is aggregated to irregular polygons, or read off by dropping points onto the raster cells. By support, we mean the geometry of the initial observation (Pebesma and Bivand 2023, 49–54), so that when we for example use the centroid of an areal observation in place of its boundaries, we change the meaning of the variables - the population count for the polygon is not the same as the count at the centroid point.

Change of support (Gotway and Young 2002) remains a largely unresolved, even unseen, problem, such as reading off data from sources with a different support than the modelled variable - like register data address points on other aggregate or estimated variables. Change of support implies acceptance that the transformed data are an estimate with a distribution, and that this uncertainty is often not carried through to the target estimation. This problem affects temporal data, but here the possible implied smoothing incurred when changing temporal units (hours, days, weeks, quarters, years) is better understood. What are the specific challenges involved in analysing areal spatial data?

Temporal autocorrelation and cross-correlation are quite well understood, an observation of a continuous variable at time point or interval t is likely to be more similar to the value at t-1 than when the time lag is greater, unless periodicity is more dominant. Two variables may well co-vary in time; knowing the degree of co-variation and autocorrelation, forecasts can be made readily. For time series, we know that present values depend in some degree on past values, observed at points or intervals of time for which entities of observation have an acknowledged status.

Understanding of spatial autocorrelation is less simple, partly because it also includes the more fluid association of observed values with observational units. A classic case is the discussion following the presentation of a paper in anthropology by Tylor on marriage and descent laws and customs (Tylor 1889). In the discussion - printed with the paper, Galton raises the question of the independence of the reported observations (Galton’s Problem is also known as phylogenetic autocorrelation):

It was extremely desirable for the sake of those who may wish to study the evidence for Dr. Tylor’s conclusions, that full information should be given as to the degree in which the customs of the tribes and races which are compared together are independent. It might be, that some of the tribes had derived them from a common source, so that they were duplicate copies of the same original. Certainly, in such an investigation as this, each of the observations ought, in the language of statisticians, to be carefully “weighted.” It would give a useful idea of the distribution of the several customs and of their relative prevalence in the world, if a map were so marked by shadings and colour as to present a picture of their geographical ranges. (Tylor 1889, 270)

The speaker responded:

The difficulty raised by Mr. Galton that some of the concurrences might result from transmission from a common source, so that a single character might be counted several times from its mere duplicates, is a difficulty ever present in such investigations, as for instance in the Malay region, where groups of islands have enough differentiation in their marriage systems to justify their being classed separately, though traces of common origin are at the same time conspicuous. The only way of meeting this objection is to make separate clsssification depend on well marked differences, and to do this all over the world. (Tylor 1889, 272)

One view of this exchange is that nearness in space and the fluid assignment of boundaries between observations may affect our view of how many valid observations have been made. Is n n or some reduced number reflecting the common origins of the data reported? The assignment of bourdaries between observations, entitation, is a key concept in the modelling of spatial interaction (Wilson 2000, 2002, 2012), where often unobservable micro-level movements are tallied by meso-level containers. As Openshaw and Taylor (1979) showed, the “modifiable areal unit problem” (MAUP), can permit the re-arrangement of component spatial sub-units into higher-level contiguous units that give the desired outcome (also known as gerrymandering, creating voting districts to ensure desired outcomes).

Yule and Kendall (1958) distinguish clearly between modifiable units of observation and units that cannot be modified by subdivision or aggregation (temporal units are also modifiable). If units are modifiable, then any results from analysis will be valid only in relation to the units:

They have no absolute validity independently of those units, but are relative to them. They measure, as it were, not only the variation in the quantities under consideration, but the properties of the unit-mesh which we have imposed on the system in order to measure it. (Yule and Kendall 1958, 312)

An extension of this view is seen where the units of observation chosen do not address important sources of variation in the response; Kendall (1939) analysed crop productivity in England by crop counties for which data were readily available, but was criticised in discussion for not using soil or climate classifications in their place by Dudley Stamp, who was directing the Land Utilisation Survey of Britain at that time:

… the author had partly anticipated his main criticism - namely, that the foundation of data actually available was at the present time totally inadequate to support the superstructure which he had erected on it. …
it would be difficult to find any division of England more unsuitable for the arrangement of the superstructure than the administrative counties. (Kendall 1939, 52)

The speaker responded:

It was an inherent defect in this work, as far as it was a practical description of the geography of the country, that it did deal with particular counties and not with farming districts. Such value as might be claimed for the paper lay in the nature of the trial methods rather than in the results themselves, but he did differ from Dr. Stamp on one point. Dr. Stamp, if Mr. Kendall understood him correctly, suggested a division of the country on climatic or pedological lines. Mr. Kendall thought that if one had to select smaller areas within the county for study, one would select them on a farming type basis, not on a geographical basis. Apart from soil and climate the existing organization of the farm had a powerful influence on its nature and on its productivity. (Kendall 1939, 61)

An overlapping view on Galton’s Problem is that, assuming that the spatial units of observation are accepted as given, spurious correlation due to position may arise from unobserved spillover between nearby observations; Student (1914) touches briefly on agricultural trial plots in describing this aspect of the problem as treatments may leach between neighbouring plots. Student had been concerned in several contexts with the effective degrees of freedom of a collection of observations. Positive spillover, leading to more likeness between neighbours, would clearly reduce the effective count of independent observations. Stephan (1934) gives us a powerful picture of the problem:

Data of geographic units are tied together, like bunches of grapes, not separate, like balls in an urn. Of course mere contiguity in time and space does not of itself indicate lack of independence between units in a relevant variable or attribute, but in dealing with social data, we know that by virtue of their very social character, persons, groups and their characteristics are interrelated and not independent. (Stephan 1934, 165)

Tobler expresses his view, perhaps the view that is most often cited in discussing spatial data, in this way:

… the first law of geography: everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things. (Tobler 1970, 236)

However, Olsson (1970) asks whether the unquestioning application of the ubiquity of spatial autocorrelation, as the only lens through which to view spatial data, is wise:

The existence of such autocorrelations makes it tempting to agree with Tobler (1970, 236 [the original refers to the pagination of a conference paper]) that ‘everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.’ On the other hand, the fact that the autocorrelations seem to hide systematic specification errors suggests that the elevation of this statement to the status of ‘the first law of geography’ is at best premature. At worst, the statement may represent the spatial variant of the post hoc fallacy, which would mean that coincidence has been mistaken for a causal relation. (Olsson 1970, 228; cf. Pebesma and Bivand 2023, 210)

Specification errors of the kind concerning Olsson may be manifold, such as inappropriate entitation, inappropriate functional form, and omitted variables among others. Standard tests for spatial autocorrelation, like tests for temporal autocorrelation, often pick up other causes of mis-specification than the mutual dependence of observations that the tests were created to detect (Schabenberger and Gotway 2005; McMillen 2003). Inappropriate entitation may involve the spatial scale of the empirical processes of interest, where the units of observation may be too large to pick up the phenomena being observed, or the footprint of the observed phenomenon may be split up among many units of observation (Galton’s Problem). The interaction of scale, heterogeneity - based on scale, functional form, and/or missing covariates - and spatial autocorrelation has been a major topic of debate in numerical ecology for many years (Dray et al. 2012).

At this point it might be tempting to step back, sensing that spatial data is special, not so much specially promising, but more specially challenging (Ripley 1988). However, if the data to hand or the data to be collected are spatially located, it is sensible to accept the challenges that analysis of such data may entail. The next section will depict how spatial econometrics was created in the form in which we now know it, to address som of the challenges and to benefit from some of the opportunities presented.